Let me make my position on Donald Trump perfectly clear (now stick with me, Trump supporters, because you may appreciate at least two of the bullet points!): I think he’s a demagogue who’ll say and do anything to get himself elected. I think he’s tapped into a very real anger in America, but it’s an anger he’s exploiting, not one he truly understands. I think he flip-flops on his positions more often then he changes wives. I think he has precisely zero core values. And I think he’s a big government guy, not a conservative. Why? Because he cannot articulate what conservatism is, which is an easy pop-quiz for those of us who truly are. So, with that said, I’ll get to the point of this article: Some Trump supporters, and especially the media, have engaged in misinformation about Donald Trump the Candidate. Here are five of the most noteworthy:
Last week Trump blamed Ted Cruz for saddling America with ObamaCare. Ted. Cruz. The man who stood willing to shut down the federal government to rid us of that albatross. I think Trump would like us all to forget his support for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, two of the nation’s most destructive politicians, who are directly responsible for shoving that turkey down our throats. So no, Donald, you are far more responsible for the ObamaCare monstrosity than just about any of the other candidates.
Trump supporters argue that Trump is not for socialized medicine. In his own words, as recently as during last Saturday’s GOP Debate:
Clear as mud. You can’t make up your own facts, and you can’t obfuscate the candidates own words. It’s absolutely true that Trump has called for socialized healthcare on multiple occasions. Now last I checked, conservatives, and many independents, have begged for the eradication of ObamaCare as swiftly and harshly as the ebola virus. So we can’t then find socialized medicine acceptable because our candidate of choice embraces it. Progressivism is progressivism, and letting it in the door eventually infects our entire house. Picking and choosing the parts of what Trump says makes us willfully ignorant, in the tradition of the mindless Obama flunkies of 2007. He’s telling us what he may push for as POTUS. We should listen. And demand clarification.
There were some fireworks at last night’s New Hampshire Republican debate, as our Toni noted in her wrap-up. One of them was the dust-up between Donald Trump…
Donald Trump is no conservative. His supporters who think The Donald has made a conversion from being a New York liberal are deluding themselves. A video was…
Eminent domain gives our government the power to commandeer private property for public use, as long as the property owner is properly compensated. As an example, we…
If Donald Trump treated your mother the way he once treated another woman, would you consider him to be of fit enough character to become President? I’m…
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