Easter in America: No Religious Designs

Easter in America: No Religious Designs

As Easter comes upon us, The White House gets ready for the 2024 annual Easter Egg Roll.

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

While Christian and Jewish families gathered over the weekend for the most important religious holidays on their respective calendars, like toadstools after a rain, the anti-Bible bigots…

Hope Springs In the Age Of Covid-19

Hope Springs In the Age Of Covid-19

We are in the middle of the Holiest Week of the year for Christians, although our Greek Orthodox sisters and brothers are a week behind. For our…

Sri Lanka: Security Services Appear to Have Screwed Up

Sri Lanka: Security Services Appear to Have Screwed Up

It’s still too early to make an assessment about the details of did or did not happen before the horrific attacks on churches and hotels in Sri…

Donald Trump’s Easter Message To All-Including “Haters” and “Losers”

Donald Trump’s Easter Message To All-Including “Haters” and “Losers”

Happy Easter, He is Risen! As we celebrate the holiday of triumph over sadness, good over evil, gratitude for the Ultimate Sacrifice for us who are Christians,…

Scottish Muslim Slaughtered for Wishing Christians a Happy Easter

Scottish Muslim Slaughtered for Wishing Christians a Happy Easter

This past weekend has marked the holiest days in the Christian calendar, which includes the commemoration of Christ’s Crucifixion on Good Friday, and which culminates today on Easter, marking…

#Easter2015:  Unrepentant and Unafraid, The People of The Cross

#Easter2015: Unrepentant and Unafraid, The People of The Cross

Christians everywhere are observing the Easter holiday this weekend. Some of us here in America will be in church; singing songs and thinking of Sunday dinner, while…

#ReclaimHolyWeek: #BlackLivesMatter Activists Protest During Holy Week

Holy Week is the most somber and significant week for Christians, commemorating the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, and culminating into celebration of the Resurrection of…

Happy Easter from the Victory Girls!

Happy Easter from the Victory Girls!

It’s Easter weekend and even though some people would say we are a post-Christian nation, we at Victory Girls want to wish you all a very Happy…

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Ava Gardner