JK Rowling Spreads Fake Twitter Story About Trump and STILL Won’t Delete It. [VIDEO]

JK Rowling Spreads Fake Twitter Story About Trump and STILL Won’t Delete It. [VIDEO]

Author J.K. Rowling is a citizen of the UK, but that doesn’t stop her from expressing her hatred for the American President. She really, really loathes Donald Trump.

In fact, she despises him so much that on Friday she retweeted an outright lie about him in the form of a very edited video:

The tweet and video originated from an artist in Seattle, who later deleted it:

Here’s a screenshot of what Herz originally posted:

Click to enlarge.

At least Herz was honest enough to announce his error and apologize. Rowling though, not so much. She just couldn’t stop her online blathering.

#MarchForLife:  The Steadfast Power of One Truth, One Voice [VIDEO]

#MarchForLife: The Steadfast Power of One Truth, One Voice [VIDEO]

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Ann Coulter Uses Phrase “Standard Retard” To Defend Trump (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter Uses Phrase “Standard Retard” To Defend Trump (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter swore fealty to Donald Trump a long time ago. But her desperate and brittle defense of him has revealed her dark and ugly side. Coulter’s…

Your Tax Dollars at Work: TSA Bloodies a Teenage Girl with Brain Tumor [VIDEO]

Your Tax Dollars at Work: TSA Bloodies a Teenage Girl with Brain Tumor [VIDEO]

It’s Independence Day weekend, time to celebrate the freedom from tyranny we enjoy in this nation. That is, unless you’re a disabled teenager confronted by the tyranny…

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Ava Gardner