The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Steve Scalise’s Recovery [VIDEO]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Steve Scalise’s Recovery [VIDEO]

Steve Scalise’s recovery story has encompassed the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

First, the Good:

  • On Saturday, MedStar Washington Hospital Center upgraded Scalise’s status from “critical” to “serious.” He’s had additional surgery, but is now speaking with his family. Check out the good news in this video:

That’s major. Because Scalise has improved so much, doctors decided to hold another press conference to report on his status, even though they originally didn’t plan to do so.

Now, the Bad:

  • Steve Scalise was in much, much worse shape than initial reports claimed. In fact, he was near death. Dr. Jack Sava, director of trauma at MedStar, said that when Scalise arrived he was in a state of shock, and that “he was in critical condition with an imminent risk of death.” The single bullet had fragmented, and it damaged bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. Scalise needed several blood transfusions due to severe internal bleeding. Moreover, he faces a long road to recovery, and will remain in the hospital for “a considerable period of time.” Another doctor said that Scalise might “be back on his feet” within three months.

Finally, the Ugly:

  • Leave it to the Left to be the turds in the punchbowl. It started with George Takei, who tweeted this comment on Saturday morning:

I just. Can’t. Even. Steve Scalise nearly died, and this odious little man delights in whatever karma he thinks came around to bite him. Undoubtedly he was so stewed in his vicious bile that he didn’t see the statement released by Steve’s wife Jennifer. Or maybe he just ignored it, since he knows his leftist fanbase won’t care anyway.

#CongressionalBaseballGame: Spec. Agents David Bailey, Crystal Griner Hailed as Heroes For Taking Down Shooter

#CongressionalBaseballGame: Spec. Agents David Bailey, Crystal Griner Hailed as Heroes For Taking Down Shooter

Two Capitol Police Officers, both members of House Whip Steve Scalise’s security detail this morning, are being hailed as heroes today after a gunman opened fire, targeting congressional…

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