Senator Chris Murphy Loves Criminal Illegal Aliens

Senator Chris Murphy Loves Criminal Illegal Aliens

Connecticut’s Junior Senator Chris Murphy is as unctuous and as much of an empty suit as the Senior Senator Richard Blumenthal. As a matter of fact, unless the people of Connecticut wake up and vote him out, Murphy has the great potential to become the Richard Blumenthal of John Kerrys. He’s young (for a Senator) and he has all makings. He will say and do anything. That’s the starting point. He loves criminal illegal aliens as long as he doesn’t have to live with them. However, if you don’t want to live with them, he will mansplain to you why you are an immigrant hating racist.

Harry Reid Calls Sanctuary Cities Bill ‘The Donald Trump Act’

Harry Reid Calls Sanctuary Cities Bill ‘The Donald Trump Act’

Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) surfaced in the Senate yesterday and had some interesting things to say about the Sanctuary Cities bill slated for a procedural vote this…

Trump’s Told Ya So: Mexican Illegal Arrested for Kidnapping and Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl

Trump’s Told Ya So: Mexican Illegal Arrested for Kidnapping and Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl

Every day, we hear one Leftist apologist after another—just yesterday, Hillary was pandering to La Raza—defend sanctuary cities, open borders, and those who violate our laws, disrespect…

USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi still sitting in Mexican jail

Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a 25-year-old USMC combat veteran, was jailed in late March after he missed a freeway exit near San Ysidro, Calif., and drove into Tijuana,…

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Ava Gardner