Andrew Cuomo Wants To Be Mayor Of New York City

Andrew Cuomo Wants To Be Mayor Of New York City

Yes, that’s right. Andrew Cuomo is back in the game. This time he’s thrown his hat into the ring to be the next Mayor of New York City.

Intel Community And Media Buried Covid Origin Info

Intel Community And Media Buried Covid Origin Info

The intel community KNEW what the origins of Covid were and buried that information. And, according to the Wall Street Journal, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden were…

Surgeon General Pick Dr. Janette Nesheiwat Must Explain Herself

Surgeon General Pick Dr. Janette Nesheiwat Must Explain Herself

Donald Trump has been moving briskly through his Cabinet picks, with the Attorney General position being the only one thus far that has been changed.

Tim Walz Elmer Fudd’s His Pheasant Hunt

Tim Walz Elmer Fudd’s His Pheasant Hunt

Elmer Fudd alert! It seems that Tim Walz is on a ‘I’m America’s Everyman!’ tour and it’s going about as well as can be expected. Which is…

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Tim Walz Is The VEEP Who Let Minneapolis Burn

Well, it’s Tim Walz for VEEP. The erstwhile Governor of Minnesota was chosen for his “chemistry” with Kamala.

COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

On the heels of the release of the Fauci e-mails that detailed COVID-era communications, an adviser to the doctor comes forward with excuses and apologies.

HHS Defunds EcoHealth Alliance Over Wuhan Lab Funding

HHS Defunds EcoHealth Alliance Over Wuhan Lab Funding

It is ABOUT DARNED TIME!! EchoHealth Alliance (EHA) headed by snake-oil salesman Peter Daszak, has had its federal funding stopped cold over the issues regarding gain-of-function research…

15 Days To Slow The Spread, NEVER AGAIN

15 Days To Slow The Spread, NEVER AGAIN

Four years ago, the world and this country changed radically with the advent of Covid. Suddenly it was 15 days to slow the spread. We should never…

Fauci: Approved ALL Lab Grants Without Reviewing Them

Fauci: Approved ALL Lab Grants Without Reviewing Them

Anthony Fauci once again claims he knew nothing about anything. Covid origin? Gain-of-function? Learning loss? He has no idea about any such thing.

Happy New Year California: Mask Up!

Happy New Year California: Mask Up!

California officials, especially the unelected ones, just can’t help themselves. Just as we are about to ring out the old, and bring in the new … the…

Randi Weingarten Gaslights America’s Parents Again

Randi Weingarten Gaslights America’s Parents Again

You know the old joke: How do you know that _____ is lying? Their lips are moving. Insert the name of American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten…

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

Have you caught the Megyn Kelly Trump interview yet? It’s all over the internet and social media. People are chatting it up and saying it was a…

5th Circuit Finds Biden Administration Trampled the First Amendment

5th Circuit Finds Biden Administration Trampled the First Amendment

Did you hear it? Did you hear the cries of agony and denial coming from Washington D.C. yesterday? Once again, the Biden Administration has been called out…

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon writers salivated when Donald Trump’s mugshot was dropped. Liberals celebrated the photo. Some liberals, like Heather Digby Parton of Salon mused, “what the hell country is…

Biden Administration Riding Covid Merry-Go-Round Yet Again

Biden Administration Riding Covid Merry-Go-Round Yet Again

It reads like the plot of a bad novel or an even worse Hollywood disaster movie. Covid-19 (you can choose your variety du jour) is once again…

FDA Sneakily Announces Doctors Are Allowed To Prescribe Ivermectin

FDA Sneakily Announces Doctors Are Allowed To Prescribe Ivermectin

The FDA snuck a major announcement under the radar. Yes, doctors CAN prescribe Ivermectin to Covid patients.

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

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Ava Gardner