#MarchForLife: Because Life Wins [VIDEO]

#MarchForLife: Because Life Wins [VIDEO]

While the political arm of the abortion movement gets louder and more shrill each year, the pro-life movement continues its steady work. Today, across the country (and actually over the weekend and into Monday), groups will be marching and standing in support of the most precious thing on earth: life.

Sitting Democrat Senator On Trial, Crickets From the Media [VIDEO]

Sitting Democrat Senator On Trial, Crickets From the Media [VIDEO]

Senator Robert Menendez is on trial in federal court on corruption charges. But since Menendez is a Democrat, there has been absolute silence from most of the…

Grasping Obama Desperately Trying To Spin Obamacare Legacy [VIDEO]

Grasping Obama Desperately Trying To Spin Obamacare Legacy [VIDEO]

Barack Obama is giving Obamacare the last-ditch gung-ho effort and spin to try and salvage some sort of legacy for himself. Obama has a handful of weekly…

Obamacare Architect Claims that Healthy People Won the “Genetic Lottery”

A nasty little video popped up on Drudge that gives some real insight into what we all already knew: that Obamacare is meant to fleece some to…

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Ava Gardner