Meet the Newly Elected Women in Congress

Meet the Newly Elected Women in Congress

For the first time the number of women in Congress will break 100. According to the Washington Post, the post-election total stands at 101, but could grow….

Post-Birth Abortion Support on the Rise on College Campuses

According to The College Fix, post-birth abortion support is on the rise on campuses across the United States. These fanatical pro-aborts are so extreme that they openly…

Jeb Bush: Illegals Are Committing an “Act of Love”

You may remember the saying: ‘Tis better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  Jeb Bush, in…

Shirtless WA State Rep. Beefcake Mike Hope is Too Sexy For the Constitution

Shirtless WA State Rep. Beefcake Mike Hope is Too Sexy For the Constitution

WA State Rep. Mike Hope, known to gun owners nationally as the “Republican” who is heading up the anti-gun legislation efforts in that state, decided to pose…

The Death of Confrontational Integrity

I frequently hear people talk about confrontation.  How we deal with confrontation, in fact, is generally considered one of the defining points in someone’s personality.  Does someone…

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Ava Gardner