Bloomberg Says Register To Buy A Gun Because It’ll Be Just Like Registering To Vote

Bloomberg Says Register To Buy A Gun Because It’ll Be Just Like Registering To Vote

Since we register to vote, Michael Bloomberg thinks we should be required to register for a gun permit. Yes, that’s exactly what he said while in Aurora, CO yesterday. 

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is determined to crash his presidential campaign like a car after a night of drinking. *cough*

This is Why the Second Amendment Exists

This is Why the Second Amendment Exists

Alexander Hamilton (can you tell I’m a bit fascinated with our ten-dollar founding father?) wrote in Federalist 28 that “In a single state, if the persons intrusted…

Is The Waffle House Shooter’s Father Legally Culpable? [VIDEO]

Is The Waffle House Shooter’s Father Legally Culpable? [VIDEO]

The coming days are going to give the public a fairly ugly picture of the life and mental health history of Travis Reinking, the alleged shooter at…

Connecticut: Citizens Ignoring the Mandate to Register Their Guns

Remember the images of people lining up in Connecticut to register their weapons?  Turns out that only about 4% of the populace obeyed the dictators.  The rest…

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Ava Gardner