Happy New Year California: Mask Up!

Happy New Year California: Mask Up!

California officials, especially the unelected ones, just can’t help themselves. Just as we are about to ring out the old, and bring in the new … the mask mandates are starting again. Yes indeed California, your Happy New Year orders have been given. Mask up!

Dear Muff Mafia: It’s not your plumbing; it’s your choices!

Dear Muff Mafia: It’s not your plumbing; it’s your choices!

When I was a lower-level manager at an undisclosed federal agency, we discussed women’s attrition at a particularly contentious staff meeting. The new Director made it her…

Hillary Blame Game: White Women Were “Pressured” And Too Weak To Stand Up To Men [VIDEO]

Hillary Blame Game: White Women Were “Pressured” And Too Weak To Stand Up To Men [VIDEO]

It’s almost become a game. Open up the internet, see the latest round of Hillary Clinton book promotion interviews, and see who she is blaming today! Well,…

Women’s March Kicks Out Pro-Life Groups, Because Feminists Demand Conformity

The Women’s March on Washington is scheduled for this Saturday. It’s supposed to be a chance for women’s groups who have real concerns about a Donald Trump…

Is The GOP Prepared To #FreeTheDelegates?

Is The GOP Prepared To #FreeTheDelegates?

If you can believe it, the Republican National Convention starts in exactly one week. Come next Monday, the frenzy that is going to be surrounding Cleveland is…

Sally Kohn’s Politically Correct Bigotry

Imagine someone on the conservative side of politics said this: “I’m straight and I want my kid to be straight.” You tell me, how quickly would that…

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Ava Gardner