Second Case Of Ebola Suspected In Dallas

Today there is another suspected Ebola case in Dallas. Considering that the first Ebola patient was not immediately tested and quarantined upon becoming ill with symptoms after a recent…

Ebola Is Here–Straight From The Pit Of Hell

The dreaded ebola virus, that insidiously lethal disease that has many African countries operating on lockdown and in a state-of-emergency, has finally made U.S. landfall. This from…

CDC: Ebola Outbreak in the US “Inevitable”

So much for the whole “There’s nothing to worry about” schtick.  The CDC has issued its highest alert regarding Ebola, with its chief finally admitting that Ebola…

Experimental Ebola Drug Story Doesn’t Add Up, But Africans Demanding Access to it Anyway

According to the media, two Americans with Ebola got an experimental drug…while so far in Africa 1,000 people have died from Ebola and have no access to…

CDC Exposes 75 Employees to Live Anthrax-Discovers Mistake On Friday The 13th

Every workplace has work related accidents, but when your workplace is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) “workplace accident” takes on a whole new level of terrifying….

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Ava Gardner