Joe Has Just A Few Regrets About His Presidency

Joe Has Just A Few Regrets About His Presidency

Joe Biden has the sads. You see, there’s just a few things he regrets about how and what he did as President. Not many mind you, but a few.

Well Looky Here: Trump Border Restriction Will Stay

Well Looky Here: Trump Border Restriction Will Stay

Who had this on their Bingo card for the week? Apparently folks in the Biden administration found that a Trump era border restriction isn’t so bad after all….

Trump Visits Mexico, Nails Press Conference With Solid Message [VIDEO]

Trump Visits Mexico, Nails Press Conference With Solid Message [VIDEO]

If only Nixon could go to China, maybe Trump is the only one who could go to Mexico. Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto met…

Why No Restrictions On Borders?

Last week, during the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s Awards Gala, Obama is famously (or infamously for many) quoted as saying by the Weekly Standard  during his speech to…

Ebola Is Here–Straight From The Pit Of Hell

The dreaded ebola virus, that insidiously lethal disease that has many African countries operating on lockdown and in a state-of-emergency, has finally made U.S. landfall. This from…

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Ava Gardner