AOC Claims New Student Loan Bailout Scheme Gives “Hope”

AOC Claims New Student Loan Bailout Scheme Gives “Hope”

Yesterday, Joe Biden announced that he doesn’t care what the Supreme Court says. He is going to buy votes with taxpayer money by bailing out even MORE student loan debt. And fools like AOC are cheering him on.

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Math Has No Politics” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Math Has No Politics” Edition

In days long past Paladin used to say, “math has no politics” – this was of course before 2+2=4 became a white patriarchal construct. But whether math…

Detroit City Councilwoman to Obama: We Voted for You, Now Bail Us Out!

Meet Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson. Watson is your typical Obama voter: entitled, lazy, and absolutely unwilling to take any responsibility for their own actions. And the…

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Ava Gardner