Zawahiri Dead, Biden Praised, Trump Dragged For Playing Golf

Zawahiri Dead, Biden Praised, Trump Dragged For Playing Golf

They can’t help themselves. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real and apparently incurable. This past weekend, the CIA used Hellfire missile armed drones to turn 9/11 plotter Ayman al Zawahiri into mist. Joe Biden took a victory lap last night in a fashion reminiscent of Barack Obama. But, the Left spent the evening crowing that Trump was playing golf while Joe was presidenting. I kid you not.

Ayman al-Zawahiri Dead, Biden Gives Himself Credit

Ayman al-Zawahiri Dead, Biden Gives Himself Credit

Ayman al-Zawahiri is dead, and may his name be blotted out. But there is no way in hell that Joe Biden should be giving himself ANY pats…

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Ava Gardner