Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has described her meeting in a plane on a tarmac in Phoenix with Former President Bill Clinton as “regrettable”. At the time, as we all remember, Bill Clinton’s co-conspirator, er, um, wife was under investigation for her private server. Of course, they only discussed “grand kids and golf”. Hearings were held, the press yawned and we were all told nothing happened and we should move on with our lives.

Now thanks to FOIA requests made by Judicial Watch and the American Center for Law & Justice, we know that Loretta Lynch used an alias email account to discuss strategy regarding the tarmac meeting with Billy Jefferson Blythe (aka Bill Clinton). Miss Lynch used the name Elizabeth Carlisle as her alias. While there is an actress named Elizabeth Carlisle, Elizabeth Carlisle is the name of Loretta Lynch’s grandmother. Miss Lynch has probably never heard of Elizabeth Carlisle, the actress. Her use of Elizabeth Carlisle as an alias is probably an homage to her grandmother.

This is from The Daily Caller article on Loretta Lynch:
Using the pseudonym “Elizabeth Carlisle,” Lynch corresponded with DOJ press officials to hammer out talking points in response to media requests about the meeting. The tarmac encounter drew criticism from conservatives because Lynch was overseeing the federal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on her private email system.
The meeting was revealed not by Lynch, Clinton or the Justice Department, but by a reporter in Phoenix working based on a tip.
and also this:
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