Milo Yiannopolous is a polarizing figure. Period. As Kim wrote yesterday, heads swiveled and jaws dropped through the floor at the news that the ACU (American Conservative Union) had invited him to speak at the annual CPAC event and had done so WITHOUT consulting the ACU board.

Milo is definitely known for his ability to skewer and turn political correctness on its ear. He’s also done a fabulous job triggering special snowflakes before he even says a word or appears. The Berkeley riots and reaction is one prime example.
His appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher is another.
That said, while he is good for slaying the realm of PC right and left, he really isn’t much of a conservative. Once the news broke of his speaking at CPAC, some interesting and really disturbing information came to light via The Reagan Battalion. Specifically that he condones pedophilia.
CPAC will hold a major conference in Washington, DC this week, and it’s about to get fabulous. That’s because Breitbart editor and flaming gay provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is set…
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