Yesterday the Whiner-in-Chief publicly scolded Donald Trump for suggesting that there might be some funny business going on with the election.
While Barack Obama has little room to talk about whiners – Takes One to Know One – he really knows exactly what Trump is talking about since he knows a lot about voter fraud, err, community organizing. Obama has, as one of his only achievements, the passage of a slick voter registration law in Illinois, known as motor-voter. The law was criticized as being an invitation for fraud. It allowed people to register to vote at the same time as they visited their friendly government office. Obama, for the short time he actually practiced law, represented ACORN in the lawsuit to force the implementation of the law.
You remember ACORN, don’t you? That was the group James O’Keefe shut down through an undercover investigation showing ACORN workers eager to circumvent immigration and tax laws. ACORN was heavily involved in promoting mortgages for unqualified buyers and for fraudulent voter registration practices. Several ACORN workers actually went to jail because of these crimes. (James O’Keefe continues his noble crusades releasing just this week videos showing the Democrat machine at work to disrupt and pervert the election process, VG wrote about the videos here and here). ACORN officials didn’t repent, they formed new groups: Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment; New York Communities for Change; Affordable Housing Centers of America.
Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Who could forget these scenes from last summer in little Ferguson, Missouri, when rioting erupted after the shooting of…
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