Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Obama: George Floyd More Important Than Uvalde Children

Yes, you read that correctly. Obama elected to issue a vile tweet yesterday afternoon that propped up criminal George Floyd and stomped all over the bodies of 19 innocent children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas.

BLM: Follow The Money To The Mansion

BLM: Follow The Money To The Mansion

While Black Lives Matter (BLM) supporters spent the whole summer of 2020 setting cars on fire and breaking windows, the organization was doing some serious fundraising. How…

DOJ Creates Domestic Terrorism Unit, Ignores 2020 Riots

DOJ Creates Domestic Terrorism Unit, Ignores 2020 Riots

Yesterday, during a Senate hearing, the DOJ grandly announced they’ve created a domestic terrorism unit. We have extremists in our midst you see, and they must be…

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Ava Gardner