NBC Says Trump Tweeted About Brenda Snipes ONLY Because She Is Black [VIDEO]

NBC Says Trump Tweeted About Brenda Snipes ONLY Because She Is Black [VIDEO]

According to NBC News, the ONLY reason Trump tweeted about poor little Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes is because she is black. NBC’s Janell Ross is absolutely certain that Brenda’s flouting of election laws is all Trump’s fault. You see, during the recount process, people were protesting at the Broward County Election’s office. Mean people!

Flake Flipped: Arizona Senate Race Called for Democrat Kyrsten Sinema

Flake Flipped: Arizona Senate Race Called for Democrat Kyrsten Sinema

I’m not suggesting anything nefarious in Arizona, but I am wondering this: Why is it that nearly every time—if not ALL of the time— “found” votes are…

Democrats’ Midterm Playbook: Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts…and the Second Amendment

Democrats’ Midterm Playbook: Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts…and the Second Amendment

Nancy Pelosi just can’t shut up. Especially about the new tax law. And I’m hoping that’s a good thing when it comes to the 2018 midterms. If…

Howard Dean And Russ Feingold Say Anyone Who Votes Republican Is Racist [VIDEO]

Howard Dean And Russ Feingold Say Anyone Who Votes Republican Is Racist [VIDEO]

Two Democrats have publicly announced that certain groups of people are definitely racist. And no, they aren’t talking about anyone in the Democrat party. Who are they?…

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Ava Gardner