Supreme Court “Not Normal” – Joe Biden

Supreme Court “Not Normal” – Joe Biden

Supreme Court “Not Normal”  – Joe Biden

President Unity strikes again. Last week the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) struck down Affirmative Action after 50 years Resident Joe Biden was not well-pleased with this decision. The Creeper-In-Chief is going to lecture us on what is “not normal”. Joe deigned to speak briefly to the press after the decision. As he attempted to skedaddle after dropping some ugly words, Joe was asked if this Supreme Court was a “rogue court”? Here is how the New York Times recorded Joe’s response:

Mr. Biden stopped midstride and appeared to think for a moment before saying, “This is not a normal court.”

The New York Times description (“midstride and appeared to think”) sounds thoughtful and poetic. There is nothing poetic and thoughtful about Creepy Joe. Joe is 100% puny and mean. Our “unifier-in-chief” does everything he can to divide Americans and drive a stake through this country. For far too long SCOTUS has existed to act as a rubber stamp for Progressive ideas that our found nowhere in The Constitution. Speaking of The Constitution, Joe confusing it with the Declaration of Independence:

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” President Biden accused the court of ignoring what “the Constitution says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator.” That is actually a reference to the Declaration of Independence, but it was the substance of the point that was so baffling.

Joe has never known the difference between the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. This is the same interview where Joe just walked off:

Now I am going to digress here. Fox News is completely off the rails. I heard Joe Biden in the interview say that we fought a war in 1960. FNC reported it as 1860:

In declaring that this court was not “normal,” Biden further insisted that these admissions decisions and the Dobbs abortion decision reversed the gains that “we fought a war over in 1860” to secure.

Maybe I heard it wrong? Nope. Fox News Channel is covering for Biden:

Of course, none of this is Biden’s fault. It is the Republicans fault. Notice the smirk on the face of Miguel Cardonas:

What an angry, puny man and Cardonas is right there with him. Joe is trying to gin up more ugly attacks on the Supreme Court. Remember last summer after the Dobbs Decision and Joe was late and tepid in telling supporters not to attack the SCOTUS. This is from The Hill last Spring:

With Democrats and their radical-activist base continuing to seethe after the criminal leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade’s concoction of a supposedly constitutional right to kill the unborn, White House press secretary Jen Psaki made this statement Tuesday, on behalf of President Biden:
“I know that there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date, and we certainly do continue to encourage that, outside judges’ homes, and that’s the president’s position.”

The best interpretation of this astonishing assertion is that Biden wants people who choose to protest outside the homes of Supreme Court justices to remain peaceful, but is not recommending that they conduct such protests.
A more rational interpretation is that the president is encouraging people to violate federal law by protesting at Supreme Court justices’ homes, and that he views this as appropriate as long as the protesters do not resort to violence. This interpretation accounts for Biden’s constitutional duties to execute the laws faithfully and to protect both the security of the courts and the administration of justice,
To be clear, it is a criminal offense to picket or parade near a residence of a federal judge for the purpose of influencing the outcome of a judicial proceeding. It is not a defense that the behavior is nonviolent. When a statutory crime does not necessarily involve forcible conduct, the fact that people commit it “peacefully” is irrelevant.

The bottom line is that Joe Biden is an angry, little Dementia patient. He was always little and angry. The Dementia is just an add-on feature. Joe loves intimidation and he would love to see the Supreme Court intimidated by ugly mobs. When we are talking about “not normal” you are describing Joe Biden.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls/All Rights Reserved

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1 Comment
  • Chris says:

    “Mr. Biden stopped midstride and appeared to LISTEN TO HIS EARPIECE for a moment before saying, “This is not a normal court.”

    THATS what happened.

    His 8 firing brain synapses don’t function enough to form that sentence.

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