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Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.
Happy Sunday, dear friends! Here we are, in our first official weekend of summer. Let’s say a prayer or two for a mild one where our biggest worries are over sunburns, picking between beach or mountains and if the rabbits got into our garden. Pass the flutes, dears, and take a long, cool sip. Considering the Trump/Biden “debate” is coming up Thursday, a soft-landing summer is going to be hard to achieve. Oh, let me revise — it is really Trump v Biden/Tapper/Bash. :::le sigh::: Outside that, still an eyebrow-raising week in the rear-view mirror. Fill your plates and let’s get to it. L’Chaim!
… would still be living with mommy and daddy.
Police have arrested a suspect in four arson attacks @UCBerkeley. The 34-year-old PhD grad “considers himself a scholar-activist,” “abolitionist,” and aspiring professor. He’s called the U.S. a “god-awful fascist hell hole” and lives with his parents.
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPai) June 18, 2024
Feds, cops and CalFire allege the 34-year-old, a Northwestern University doctorate of African American studies,
Well, here’s my shocked face again.
firebombed a Berkeley campus police car and carried out three other arson incidents on university grounds June 1, as well as last Thursday and Sunday.
Busy boy. Does mommy get up early to make him pancakes and back a nutritious lunch before he goes out to engage in social justice?
In online articles, Goonan has described the United States as a “god-awful fascist hell hole” where social injustices are “concealed under the blinders of white supremacist American reason.”
Goonan has been writing online articles glorifying the Black Panthers, bragging about his pro-Hamas firebombings and comes up with phrases like “methodical artistry of social revolution”.Meanwhile, his attorney (mommy and daddy paying for him?) claims all the charges are merely political.
Obviously this 34 y/o virgin of pallor has been enabled by his parents. Seeing the job they’ve done in raising this self-loathing flying monkey, I wish there was something they could be charged with, too.
If it were merely greed driving the doctors engaged in sterilizing and mutilating kids in the name of “gender affirmation”, that would be easier to grasp. But what is the true motivation here? And why is our Federal government involved in protecting them and threatening whistleblowers?
Under pressure from the state attorney general, Ken Paxton, Texas Children’s CEO Mark Wallace said that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But it wasn’t true. Mere days later, it had secretly reopened for business.
And business was booming.
One whistleblower, RN Vanessa Sivadge, was alarmed not just to see the practice continued, but also the doctors’ defrauding the Medicaid problem in their obsessive rush to trans as many minors as possible. And the reaction?
The FBI had sent two special agents, Paul Nixon and David McBride, to her home. The agents knocked on the door, asked her about “some of the things that have been going on at [her] work lately,” and then asked to enter her home. She was terrified. (The FBI declined to comment.)
The agents told Sivadge that she was a “person of interest” in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who had exposed the child sex-change program. They told her that the whistleblower had broken federal privacy laws. “They threatened me,” Sivadge said. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”
These aren’t LEO’s, these are mafia goons.
Say, what?
This article in the obstetrics and gynecology journal Birth argues that "sexed language" in midwifery "causes harm to all who birth" because it "reflects an ideology of unchangeable sex binary" and perpetuates "colonialist, heteropatriarchal, and universalist" notions of "sex and…
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) June 18, 2024
Los Angeles city officials were giddy to announce the opening of a 19-story luxury housing building — units built out at $600,000/each. Is this ‘affordable’ housing for the workingclass Angelino? Not on your street taco, dears. This taxpayer funded building is exclusively for the homeless.
LOS ANGELES – On Wednesday, city officials celebrated the grand opening of a high-rise building in downtown Los Angeles that will serve as a shelter for homeless residents on Skid Row.
The 228,000-square-foot mission-driven development, called the Weingart Center Tower, will comprise of 228 studio apartments, 47 one-bedroom apartments and three apartments dedicated to onsite managers, Swinerton, the construction company’s website said.
Residents will enjoy an impressive list of amenities, including a gym, an art room, a music room and a library.
All funded by taxpayers. Taxpayers who have watched the price of their groceries, rent, gas for their cars go up. I wonder how they feel knowing they are paying for someone to spend their days shooting up drugs in a well-appointed music room?
Oooo … and just how much of that $165 million dollar price tag is graft? Inquiring minds.
Never mind the debacle of California’s “high speed rail” that isn’t. Now the Feds are in on the same kind of scam:
For $42 billion they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people
(US population is 333 million)
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 19, 2024
Who’s a good boy?
I can't stop watching this
— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) June 20, 2024
The upside of the internet and crowdfunding …
A former news reporter recently organized a fundraiser so that a 90-year-old Air Force veteran, who had to work to pay his bills, could retire.
Coming upon him pushing carts in the parking lot of a Louisiana grocery store in humid 90°F weather, the reporter shot a video that inspired over $200,000 in donations.
Brava Karen Swensen!
Whoa, look at the time! Again, Sunday goes by way too fast when we get together. I hope the rest of your day is one filled with joy and I’ll see you next Sunday. I’m sure we’ll have plenty to talk about. Cheers!
featured image original graphic by Darleen Click
[…] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]
In online articles, Goonan has described the United States as a “god-awful fascist hell hole” where social injustices are “concealed under the blinders of white supremacist American reason.”
Notice these self-hating white people NEVER name any country that lacks huwyt soopremasy and they won’t move there because it’s full of brown people.
I’m afraid one puppy hasn’t learned his manners.
Just takes some patience, that’s all.
The story about the 90 year old working at Winn Dixie angered me. We can roll out the red carpet for illegals and fork over billions to a foreign country but he’s having to work because the Social Security he was forced to pay into can’t support him?
Our political class needs a serious cleansing.
Like with lye and a wire brush?
I’m up for that.
The agents knocked on the door, asked her [some questions] and then asked to enter her home.
At the “asked her” part, that’s where it should have been “I’m afraid you’ll have to talk to my lawyer. I’ll have him call you.” And if they insisted, I’d make a point of their violation of my rights. If they then asked to come inside, I’d have said, “You have a warrant? No? Then get off my property and don’t come back without one or I’ll call the locals to arrest you for trespassing.”
“They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker.
“Are you THREATENING me?! If you harass me, I will have you arrested by the locals. Now, get off my property!”
The biggest problem is the lack of self-sufficiency in our populace. There was a day when “Get bent, copper!” would have rung loudly from every stoop at this sort of thing.
it “reflects an ideology of unchangeable sex binary”
It’s not an ideology. It’s a scientific fact. Not really a hypothesis, but a fact.
Where the ideology comes in is when you try to deny reality in order to advance some belief.