Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! This is the first Sunday of April and, yowzer, the first quarter of 2024 is history. The Left is crazed (so what else is new) and their behavior is growing ever more bizarre as November crawls closer. So grab your plates to dig into this spring brunch filled with delicate pastries, savory amuse bouche and oodles of chilled champagne. Raise your glasses and let’s get to it. Salute!


Remember, Gavin Newsom is running for President

When California’s AB5 didn’t take out the franchise business model (this would be the PROAct as still pushed by Biden’s cabal for Federal law) the next best thing is creating a separate minimum wage for franchise fast food chains. Stuff like this will continue to happen.

Employees at Fosters Freeze in Lemoore are out of a job.

Assistant General Manager Monica Navarro says she was called Monday morning by her boss who was at the restaurant to open, only to find the locks were being changed. (snip)

Navarro says the owner, Loren Wright, had previously told her the $20 minimum wage increase for fast food workers was going to be really hard on him. (snip)

In a text from Loren Wright, he stated that he couldn’t survive the mandated wage increases:

tried to the end to try to figure out a way to make it work. Last thing I ever wanted was to close down,” he said. “By Friday night I knew I was most likely not gonna be able to stay open but I didn’t want to ruin their Easter Sunday. Small businesses can’t survive a 120% plus min wage increase over the last 10 years. We are all more broke than we were 10 years ago its clear raising min wage isn’t helping….I am sad to see my employees off, and sad to see lemoore off. This location has been in business for 35+ years and lemoore has been such a good place. It’s painful to realize that raising min wage and regulating fast foods are putting people put if business but that is the path california leadership has taken. Thank u to my staff for everything and thank u lemoore for all the support over the years.”

Poor Monica Navarro, a college student, said – out loud – that she felt betrayed by the closure as she was counting on that “raise” to support her through college.

Is economics not taught in high school or college any more? Or have those classes, too, been DEI-fied so you get an “A” by finishing the class with the belief that that is such a thing as a free lunch?


Rabid Patriarchy is Leftwing and it wears a dress

Now, try and imagine any woman attorney — deputy district attorney, public defender, private attorney, showing up to court dressed like this AGP male of Seattle’s public defender office. Let me tell you, no sober judge would allow it. They’d send the woman out of court until she was dressed per the court’s dress code. But in that clip you see a clown-faced male dressed in the most outrageous, sexualized caricature of a woman, outfit and everyone just goes about their business. Fear? Or just another acknowledgement of the TQ+ mafia’s power?


Dutch lead again — in the Culture of Death

When more than half the population either denies God or is indifferent to even the idea of God, then human individuals lose claim to uniqueness. There are few arguments to be offered for not eliminating the less-than-perfect among us.

A 28-year-old Dutch woman is slated to be euthanized next month because of her struggles with mental illness after her psychiatrist said her condition will never improve.

Zoraya ter Beek lives in a nice house in a small Dutch town near the German border with her boyfriend and two cats. Despite being physically healthy, she plans to end her life due to her depression, autism and borderline personality disorder, according to The Free Press.

My heart aches for her. She wandered into a morass of leftist culture that values human on their utility to the community and found herself wanting. She’s not terminally ill or in unbearable chronic pain — a couple of the early excuses of the ‘assisted suicide’ ghouls. Compassion weaponized in service of death.

Such mission-creep will certainly come here. And with it all the excuses of why “so-and-so’s” life is no longer worth living as determined by the suicide-minded and his/her “physician”. I mean, we already endure a variation of that pleading from the shout your abortion crowd.


JK Rowling draws the line

Let’s be clear, Rowling is a liberal. She isn’t conservative and there is a lot of her politics I disagree with. But since her very mild dissent of the Queer’s left’s ideological demands in 2017, the knives have been out for her (and lately her children). Rowling has never bought into the Queer demand that “Trans women are women” authoritarian schtick. Oh, the Queer thugs are not giving up on trying to take her down, but she has enough FU money and chutzpah to slay them in the aisles.

It’s long, but epic. She’s a wildly successful writer with enough FU money she doesn’t have to please these people in order to sell her books.

Good for her!


Your Sunday palate cleanser

HaHaHa! Some of us know Alinsky’s Rule 4!


Your Sunday smile

It’s really the small things that make a big difference.

Two Florida police officers went above and beyond the call of duty when they were seen on camera delivering groceries to customers after arresting their delivery driver.

The encounter took place in Titusville on March 26, homeowner Joe Neu confirmed. The video he shared on social media has quickly spread.

“Hello, uh, you ordered groceries?” a female officer can be seen asking in doorbell camera footage shared to FOX 35 Orlando. “Yes,” the woman who answered the door said.

“Your driver got arrested, so we’re delivering your groceries,” the officer responded.


Yikes! Look at the time. Dears, it certainly slips by us, but I wouldn’t miss a minute. Take a moment to offer some prayers for our men and women in uniform because I fear the world is just going to keep spiraling downwards this year. Now go enjoy the rest of your Sunday. If you live in the path of the eclipse, have fun and take care. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    So the Dutch will soon be deciding who are the Lebensunwerte Lebens.

  • GWB says:

    Compassion weaponized in service of death.
    Yep. Also the weaponization of proclaiming yourself god.
    When you substitute nihilism and “reason” for the dignity of a creature “in God’s image,” this is what you get.

    Rowling is a liberal. She isn’t conservative and there is a lot of her politics I disagree with.
    Yes. Some people just can’t grasp that she is still a Prog – she just wants the Progress to stop at her station and not go any further. But that can’t really happen with “Progress” – it continues on, regardless.

    you really have to be fat
    You’re denying transhumanism, you bigot!

    “Your driver got arrested, so we’re delivering your groceries,”
    That has got to be one of the weirdest statements ever. Simultaneously, one of the most gracious. BZ Mr Policemen.

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