Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dears! It looks like summer is doing its sweaty best to wilt us with heat. Never fear! I’ve chosen a variety of chilled adult beverages for us to happily sample in addition to our chilled champagne. Fresh fruit on ice and a charcuterie board and we can relax and shake our heads at the insane ramblings of the Left. I suspect they are finally noticing the pushback isn’t going away and they are ramping up their shrillness and villainy. Take a long sip of that cold beverage and let’s get to it. À votre santé.


pResident Creepy Joe slipped his handlers again

… when are they going to stop allowing him to wander into crowds where children are present?

the child appeared horrified, giving Biden the side eye and turning her head away as he attempted to lean in again.

I watched that clip and, when a big net didn’t snatch him away, I was rooting for mom to deck him.


What SHALL we think of people defending child trafficking?

A mere ten years ago, Tim Ballard was getting positive coverage:

Here we are in 2023 where the Queer Left sees Christ-cooties lurking around every corner.

Raise your glass, dears, and let’s toast to their continued self-doxxing as supporters of child trafficking and pederasty.


Admiral Male-in-a-Dress defends child mutilation

Rachel Levine argues his religious agenda is more important than a minor’s genitals.

During a portion of an interview with ABC News aired on Thursday’s broadcast of “Nightline,” HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Dr. Rachel Levine responded to a question on why people can’t wait to undergo gender transition therapy until they’re 18 by stating that “Adolescence is hard, and puberty is hard. What if you’re going through the wrong puberty?” And that’s why people can’t wait to receive “gender-affirming” care until they’re 18.

Levine had to cloak what is being performed by this generation’s Dr. Mengele’s across the nation with the euphemism gender-affirming. He sits there calmly trying to gaslight viewers about the chemical and surgical experimentation being done on teens by stating there are no medical procedures being done on “pre-pubertal children”. Well, obviously chemical castration meds are being administered to stop normal puberty and thousands of adolescent girls are fast tracked into having their healthy breasts removed. We’ve been here before with Levine’s gaslighting. And I’m sure Levine must be aware of what Seattle schools are doing.

Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents.

First day of the next GOP President should be to have Levine dragged through the streets, put into public stocks, and every detransistioner given a crate of rotten veggies.

Then LWOP for this pervert in uniform.


Christopher Rufo brings the receipts

Dears, how ever did we get here? Ten years ago, oh heck, even five years ago, having boys in girls’ sports and males in women’s locker rooms was unthinkable. Here’s some history:

Oh look, I have some icy cold martinis at hand. Sip slowly to chase that nasty taste from your mouth.


Gender woo and “you will be made to care”

You know, dears, I’ve always been a live-and-let-live kind of gal. What you wish to do in private, as long as it involves consenting adults and doesn’t frighten the horses, indulge your kink and have fun exploring additions to those 50 shades of grey.

But the narcissists of the radical Queer cult can’t abide by anyone having their own private spaces and parents raising kids according to the parents’ wishes. They won’t even allow a private space for prayer go unmolested …

The controversy emerged when the prayer room (at NHS Lothian Children’s Services), known as the “sanctuary,” was adorned with LGBTQ+ flags in celebration of Pride month.

This decision faced backlash from some parents of terminally and gravely ill children who frequent the facility, (snip)

one family, who identified themselves as practicing Christians and had a terminally ill toddler utilizing the facility, expressed their deep frustration and anger.

They believed that the room had been transformed into a platform for activism that conflicted with their religious beliefs. The family spoke about feeling traumatized and unable to utilize the prayer room they had relied on during this challenging time.

How dare any Christian (or Jew or Muslim) feel they get a space where they can escape the stunning and brave Queer folk?

That’s why they are after the children.

Another martini? Triple strength? Sunday is a day of rest, so plan on some spectacular napping later today.


Your Sunday smile

I’m not greedy, dears, and they don’t have to be large diamonds … but if I had one diamond for each time some pro-abort trotted out the hoary old accusation that pro-lifers never step up after a child is born, I’d have enough bling to be seen from Mars. Here’s today’s rebuke to the party of death.

The Ocala Fire Rescue firefighter, who remained anonymous, said that in January 2023 he was working an overnight shift when he heard the alarm from the station’s Safe Haven drop box. Safe Haven boxes allows someone to safely and anonymously surrender a child — no questions asked.

“To be honest, I thought it was a false alarm,” the firefighter said. “I picked her up and held her. We locked eyes, and that was it. I’ve loved her ever since that moment.”

He and his wife had been trying to have a baby and were already registered to adopt. By April, baby Zoey was part of family.

Where there is life, there is hope. And love. Congrats to the new family and nothing but deep admiration for the mother who wanted the best for her child.

Oh heck, where’s my hanky when I need it?


Our Sunday together comes to a close. I hope you enjoy our time as much as I do. Have a wonderful rest of the day, stay cool and I’ll see you next week. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic, by Darleen Click

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