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Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.
Happy Mother’s Day, dears! This Sunday, let me lift up my champagne flute (and pass the box of chocolate truffles) to all my sisters who have taken their role of mothering the next generation seriously. It is never an easy path and many times filled with tears. But it can be rewarding in ways far beyond achieving the corner office. Never let those who would reduce you to birthing person succeed. Here’s to you, mom! Let’s get to it.
NBC’s reaction to Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show announcement: “Will anybody be able to police what Carlson says or is this the point? It’s just a free for all?”
— ALX (@alx) May 10, 2023
Imagine, once upon a time, that the American mainstream press media believed in free speech. Now we see them all atwitter and aghast and declaring free speech wretchedly rightwing. Quelle horrors!
The Left has never been liberal. It just acts that way until it achieves societal hegemony. Tucker Carlson, love him or hate him, has fried Tater’s tiny tots yet again.
The insidious nature of fame (or even fame adjacent) is the wet finger in the wind looking to be part of whatever fashion’s newest fad dictates.
Actress Marcia Gay Harden revealed “my children are all queer” on Sunday as she took the stage with celebrity allies of the queer community in the Drag Isn’t Dangerous telethon to raise money to combat what they say is rising anti-LGBTQ legislation. (snip)
the “So Help Me Todd” star explained. “What drives me is — my children are all queer. My eldest child is non-binary. My son is gay. My youngest is fluid.
Competent studies over decades have shown that same-sex oriented population has existed quite steadily at the 3-4% range. What are the odds that Harden happened to give birth to 100% non-straight children?
And what is going on that both Charlize Theron and Jamie Lee Curtis humble-brag that their adopted kids spontaneously come out as trans?
Theron confirned that although she believed for many years that Jackson was a boy, she’s actually a girl. While talking to the Daily Mail, Theron said: “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!’”
Oh thank God that 3-year old boy didn’t announce “I’m an elephant!” and Theron started to be all in for trans-species rights. You know, because we should always find the pronouncements of three-year-olds unquestionably authoritative.
I long for the days when celebrity posing was about feeding the hungry. At least children were helped instead of targeted back then.
Time to order up the martinis. Two olives or three?
I cannot help but feel great sorrow at the lengths Ellen Page has gone to in order to remain relevant in a fickle profession.
“Dysphoria used to be especially rife in the summer,” Page wrote in the May 10th post, featuring a shirtless image displaying the chest scars left from having top surgery, a gender-affirming (sic) breast-removal procedure.
Page writes of the stage almost all adolescent girls go through to great or lesser degrees — being very self-conscious of our changing bodies. Indeed, that almost universal discomfort at the transition between childhood and adulthood has been the fodder of novels and movies and wee-hour slumber party discussions just about forever.
Whether Page is sincere in her dysphoria or not isn’t the issue. What is alarming is her social-media-enhanced promotion of the social contagion fad of if you feel uncomfortable with your breasts CUT ‘EM OFF!!
There is nothing wrong with being female. We are neither a costume nor a crippled male. I’m sorry Ellen didn’t have the support she needed to help her through accepting her essential female self. Mutilation and fantasy are never long-term solutions. We are betraying our daughters when we don’t speak the truth.
Dear friends, as you may already know, I retired in 2020 after 22 years of employment in a SoCal county (not Los Angeles!). Four with Probation and 18 with the District Attorney’s office. I was a supervisor with a staff of 42 in support of 127 attorneys. In essence, I had a ringside seat in watching the predations of the state’s Democrats on the justice system in favor of criminals. Most of you will never have much contact with the judicial system except via jury duty. But if your neighborhood has seen a rise in crime, homelessness, refusal of police to arrest vagrants, drug dealers or deal with vandalism, street racing, auto theft or shoplifting — look to what the elected District Attorney is doing — including driving out effective prosecutors.
After 20 years, I always kind of figured an email like this would start with “It is with a heavy heart that I leave…” The truth is, I can’t get out of here fast enough.
Let me start with the positive. There is not a single day that has gone by that I have not felt truly honored to work with such an incredible group of people who spent every waking hour on behalf of victims. This opportunity has been a gift for which I have no words to explain the extent of my gratitude.(snip)
And yet, I’m leaving. Why could that be? The simple fact is that this State and County have set themselves on a course to disaster. And the worst part is that the agency for whom I work has backed literally every policy change that had the predictable, and predicted, outcome of more crime and more people getting hurt.
Bond reform designed to make sure no one stays in jail while their cases are pending with no safety net to handle more criminals on the streets, shorter parole periods, lower sentences for repeat offenders, the malicious and unnecessary prosecution of law enforcement officers, overuse of diversion programs, intentionally not pursuing prosecutions for crimes lawfully on the books after being passed by our legislature and signed by a governor, all of these so-called reforms have had a direct negative impact, with consequences that will last for a generation.
Oops, excuse me. Did I just say “Preach, brother!” out loud? Let’s say that while Jason Poje is writing from Illinois, his experience is being felt all over the country. It is certainly true in California. Go ahead and read the whole thing. In the meantime, I’ll hunt us down some fresh chouquettes.
Next time some leftist sniffs about how *real* socialism has never been tried, ask them to explain this guy who actually lived under it.
Sometimes resisting evil takes surviving it to witness to others.
This is what “social media” should be about, but rarely is. Mazel tov, Tova Friedman.
Again, thanks for joining me on this Mother’s Day Sunday. Here or “forward deployed”, I wish every mom a blessed day.
featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click
Happy mothers day to all the moms out there! ( and no, i did NOT say “birthing people”
My mom is out in CA. Going to call her after lunch.
And agreed with Scott: “Birthing people” is a term that needs to die from mockery.
Will try to visit moms grave tomorrow.. check on the Easter lily I planted, trim the grass, etc..
Sorry, Scott.
Thanks Cameron. It’s life… best I can do is sit and talk to her now and then.. I trust she hears me..
my children are all queer
No, honey, your children all are perverted. And you perverted them.
That used to be a crime.
Competent studies over decades have shown that same-sex oriented population has existed quite steadily at the 3-4% range.
That’s only when they include the converted. Without them it’s closer to 1%.
I’m sorry Ellen didn’t have the support she needed to help her through accepting her essential female self.
This is what nihilism hath wrought. A life with purpose, OTOH, helps prevent this sort of catastrophe.
As to moms….
I spent a good hour and a half yesterday talking to mine. A good conversation with the best woman in my life.
And she raised me to be who I am. So, thank you, Mom, for making me the man I am.