Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Three days until Christmas. And I don’t care how old I get, Christmas eve is still full of child-like excitement and anticipation for me. Give me a sparkling tree, candle light and soft music and the satisfaction goes bone deep. Grab a flute, dears, and let’s toast to the season and our good health! We are certainly going to need it as the Wokestanians have still not come to grips with the reality of Nov 5th and their behavior is only getting worse. Please grab a plate, dig into sumptuous buffet offerings — I’m particularly enamored with the Monte Cristo sandwiches today — and let’s get to it. May all your joys be true joys, and all your pain Champagne!


Biden’s Ministry of Truth

My shocked face is on a ’round-the-world cruise and cannot be reached for comment.

and …

The Left would have you believe that unless the Government is actively hostile to Christians and Jews, we have one foot in a looming theocracy. Yet, they believe BigGov control of media and its content is just fine under the First Amendment.

Separation of Media and State!



This insanity cannot be stopped soon enough. There will be decades of fallout from the mutilation and sterilization of minors — and lawsuits will be the least of what will happen to the medical centers, doctors, and parents of these child victims when (and if) they become adults.


You cannot hate legacy media enough

The moral chasm between the normies and the woke is never greater than in their respective reactions to Daniel Penny and Luigi Mangione.


When the demand for Hate™ far outstrips the supply

Yet another Hate™ hoax.

A Tennessee college revealed that racist messages found written on campus were fabricated by a student in an apparent attempt to make Donald Trump supporters look bad.

Rhodes College confirmed to Fox News Digital that a student had admitted to leaving the messages strewn about campus that were found over Thanksgiving break and were being investigated as a hate crime. Instead, it turned out to be yet another race hoax.

Darn those deplorable Trumpies! How dare they not live up the Left’s expectations! What’s a good apparatchik to do?

According to a local Memphis CBS affiliate “Trump Rules” and racial slurs about Black people were written on 13 pieces of paper that were found around that area of campus.

Even back in 2019, it was shown that less than one-third of “hate crimes” were genuine.

Truth, dears, is not a Leftwing value.


Blame Obamacare

The assassination of Brian Thompson not only has random lefties fist bumping in delight, but has had even Democrat Congresscritters saying “it was understandable” since health insurers are Evil.Evil.Evil. The 800 pound gorilla missing from this rabble rousing?

I’m old enough to remember when health insurance was affordable. It wasn’t all that long ago; it was before Obamacare passed. Despite being officially called the Affordable Care Act, nothing about it has made health insurance more affordable. The question is, for the higher premiums and larger deductibles we have, are we even getting better coverage? The answer, which shouldn’t shock you, is a big fat “no.”

That’s right, despite paying more, you are also getting less. Health insurance denials and delays have hit record highs, and while many point the finger at insurance companies, accusing them of prioritizing profits over care, they’re not to blame.

Here’s some inconvenient facts:

In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. But under ACA rules, denials increased tenfold. Now nearly 15% of claims are denied, reports Premier, an insurance consultant firm. Some insurers deny a third or more of claims, according to Kaiser Family Foundation research. (snip)

According to House Committee on Energy and Commerce testimony, 80% of the preapprovals Cigna denied for Medicare Advantage customers were overturned on appeal, a sign that legitimate care is being withheld. Cigna uses an algorithm called PxDx to deny prior authorizations in bulk.

Denials and prior authorization requirements escalated after the ACA went into effect. But don’t blame profit maximization. The ACA regulates underwriting profits, and if profits go up, insurers have to send customers rebates.

Insurers are forbidden from making increased profits on insurance (so they start maximizing the bottom line by acquiring other businesses like pharmacies and doctors’ practices). But here’s the dirty secret to the denials and delays baked in by politicians

Obamacare advocates promised everyone would be charged the same regardless of their “preexisting conditions.”

The math doesn’t work. Every year, 5% of the population uses over 50% of the health care. That’s a fact of nature, politics aside.

Rather than a pool of high risk patients (akin to auto insurance industry) or the Feds subsidizing higher premiums for high risk, it was just all dumped into insurers’ laps and they were told to ‘make it work’.

IMHO, dears, it think this FUBAR is a feature, not bug, of Obamacare. Barry and ilk hate hate hate the thought of individual people — from doctors to patients — engaging in healthcare outside of Federal control. Punish people enough they demand the nationalization of what is about 17% of the US GDP. That’s what they want. Then we hoi polloi will be at the mercy of a system like Canada’s or the UK’s — where the offer of euthanasia as a ‘solution’ to what ails you is increasing.

What is Soylent Green?


The Grinch is rainbow-colored


Your Sunday palate cleanser

It’s not Christmas if I don’t share this video —


Your Sunday smile

Random hero, who remained anonymous, now found by the man whose life he saved.

70-year-old Paul Myers was in the fast-food restaurant a year ago when his heart stopped. Luckily for him, Brian Harris walked inside at just that moment and leaped into action.

Performing CPR and eventually using a defibrillator, he restarted Myers’ heart before an ambulance took him to the hospital.

70-year-old Paul Myers was in the fast-food restaurant a year ago when his heart stopped. Luckily for him, Brian Harris walked inside at just that moment and leaped into action.

Performing CPR and eventually using a defibrillator, he restarted Myers’ heart before an ambulance took him to the hospital.

But for the fast thinking and perseverance of Mr. Harris, the Myers family would have been poorer for the loss. Now both men are richer for the friendship formed.

Who said angels don’t exist among us?


Well, dear friends, it looks like our Sunday together has come to a close. My wish is that you enjoy the rest of the day and that next week holds all the joy and grace of the season. See you next Sunday as we look forward to the new year! Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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