Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Fill your flutes and let’s lift our glasses in celebration; our long national nightmare is ovah … the DNC convention is now a few days in the past and the absolute weirdness from blue falcons to coronation of Potemkin Kamala (including fake news about a “surprise” Beyonce moment cooked up by Democrat staffers in order to goose ratings) is in the rearview mirror.

Dears, I don’t know about you, but it was a very weird thing to behold the Dem convention where the speakers spent so much time promising to ‘solve’ all the current crises in the future while pretending they had nothing to do with the past 3.5 years in making those crises.

This was a week for the record books and, boy howdy, my plate runneth over this Sunday with things to cover. Let’s get to it. Salute!


My shocked face has demanded a vacation




The erasure of women continues apace

Women are no longer ‘an adult female’. What makes a ‘woman’ is the right shade of lipstick, a fabulous pair of pumps and a designer clutch. It’s feelings all the way down … even if those feelings are a fetish.

Dears, I refuse to update my notes on this. I’ll go with basic, non-Lysenko biology.


Gavin Newsom plays with fire

Gavin has spent the better part of the last year running full tilt for President. Gov. Hairgel both vetoed radical left legislation and suddenly turned to cleaning up homelessness as he tried to put the word “moderate” in the same zipcode as his.

Didn’t work and no-vote Kamala got the coronation gig via the Ruling Class nod. Newsom couldn’t help himself when hinting on how it all came down.

14 million Democrat primary voters were tossed under a fleet of buses. But hey democracy needs saving, eh?



Plus, nothing says Joy and Forward to the Future as having a party bus in your convention’s parking lot booked up for abortions and sterilizations.


Bill Clinton’s amazing gaslight

Billy Jeff is the same age as President Trump, but at the DNC he looked and acted more like Creepy Joe in a rambling speech desperate for relevance full of phony-homespun-schtick We’ve got a lot of hay in the barn when he was shoveling what hay turns into out of the other end of the cow. And while Billy Jeff was personally attacking Trump as if the last 3.5 years under Biden/Harris never happened, it is interesting to note how he pretends to decry toxic politics

“In the aftermath of the Oklahoma city bombing, I knew that we had a responsibility to do everything we could to ensure that something like this would never happen again,” Clinton says. “But perhaps an even greater responsibility was to urge people all across America to reassess how they talked about and thought about people who disagreed with them. Timothy McVeigh was himself motivated by that extreme rhetoric.” (snip)

Clinton said that he “thought it was my duty to help prevent that hatred from spreading to the average citizen.”

Those of us who remember the horror of the Oklahoma bombing also remember Billy Jeff’s cynical opportunism in blaming Rush Limbaugh and “rightwing radio” for terrorist McVeigh’s act. This, even though, from all investigations, McVeigh had issues dating from childhood. If nothing else radicalized McVeigh it was Bill Clinton himself and the FUBAR his administration made of Waco and Ruby Ridge.

But his shuffling about the stage at the Democrat National Clown convention proved it is that the Left likes to pay lip-service to the Constitution while curb-stomping the Bill of Rights.


Leave the kids alone — ALL of them

Ann Coulter was way, way out of line. Her tweet was deleted (but AFAIK, no apology. Bad form, Ann) and way too many others dog-piled on poor Gus Walz. But as with the Bush twins, Barron Trump and Trig Palin, the Left is nothing but glaring in its hypocrisy. So the Left’s pet toadies like Rick Wilson can take a long walk off a short pier. He isn’t fooling anyone with his faux rage.


Sunday palate cleanser

I apologize that I can’t find a way to embed this video. But please do follow the link. It is well worth it.


Your Sunday smile

New babies come when they decide to …

Rebecca Mahota and her husband, Danya Mahota, were on the way to the hospital on Aug. 8 when her water broke, and they said about halfway through the car ride, their youngest daughter just couldn’t wait any longer to make her entrance into the world.

“One contraction later, he had pulled over to the side of the road, I was already holding her head,” Rebecca Mahota told Boston ABC affiliate WCVB.

“Boy, we made it 26 minutes into that 56-minute trip. My wife is an absolute legend,” Danya Mahota added.

Adding to the excitement, after arriving at the hospital, dad found his wedding ring missing.


But still under the blessing of a new life, Danya went back to the scene of birth and found his ring. What a story for baby Summer to tell about her debut when she gets older.


Yowzer, look at the time! When next we meet, it will be September — are you gearing up for the annual super bloom of pumpkin spice everything? But today, take time to relax, enjoy your family and I’ll see you next month. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • OldAv8r says:

    Old habits die hard. Since I retired, I still tend to wake up around 0630 and usually use the time for coffee and a scroll through the blogs while the house is quiet. But Sundays, for obvious reasons, the posts are a little sparse early in the AM, but Darleen’s Morning Cafe Cocktails are always there to save the day. Thank you.

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  • GWB says:

    Glad baby Summer didn’t cause an accident. 🙂
    They should get her birth certificate appended with the mile marker for where she arrived.

    As to all the other stuff, I will just remind everyone that when asked “What Would Jesus Do?” my standard response is “Make a whip and beat people and turn over their tables.” I’m looking to cast out the demons from DC, personally.

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