Anthony Weiner, right, and Huma Abedin appear in court in New York on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017. The couple asked a New York City judge to ask for privacy in their divorce case. (Jefferson Siegel/The Daily News via AP, Pool)
The FBI has previously said that a number of Abedin’s documents were backed up on Weiner’s laptop, and that some smaller number were manually forwarded. In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee last May, the FBI said, “Although we do not know the exact numbers, based on its investigation, the FBI believes it is reasonable to conclude that most of the emails found on Mr. Weiner’s laptop computer related to the Clinton investigation occurred as a result of a backup of personal electronic devices, with a small number a result of manual forwarding by Ms. Abedin to Mr. Weiner.”
Then-FBI Director James Comey testified earlier this year that “Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information by (Clinton’s) assistant, Huma Abedin,” he said.
But there was no indication that Abedin “had a sense that what she was doing was in violation of the law,” Comey added, and investigators couldn’t prove any sort of criminal intent.
While scrolling through the emails is fun, if not confusing since we have little context, the whole idea that these emails created by government officials in their official capacity as government officials, were held outside of public scrutiny because they were in private possession outside of public safeguards is simply appalling. There should be no case of publicly generated information ever allowed to primarily, purposefully exist in any location except that which is instantly accessible by the appropriate government authorities.
The American public may be required to work through FOIA requests to protect national security, but there should never again be any instance where government officials legally use private servers, private emails, or any other private means to conduct government business. They either use government issued equipment and electronic files, or if they want to use their super-duper latest iPhone, then they waive any and all privacy claims to government access to that equipment. In no case shall private storage or emails or channels outside official process ever be authorized. If used, then government officials shall suffer the consequences such as losing their own security clearances or if truly egregious criminal conviction (waivers may be granted on a very limited case-by-case basis, such as if operational security is necessary to carry out a military mission).
In this specific case of Human Abedin’s emails ending up on her pencil-neck husband’s personal computer – what better example of lazy, sloppy concern for the business of our government is there? Weiner had already shown himself to be a complete degenerate, not to be trusted, and easily susceptible to blackmail. But no, let’s forward him all the business of the United States Secretary of State so he can print it out in hard copy. Or automatically back it up on his own laptop (why his and not hers even?!), from which he also sexts underage girls. My God, the elitism and self-righteousness is killing me!
And Comey’s statement about Human Abedin’s intent in all of this shows what an absolute shady buffoon he is. He is supposed to be a law enforcement officer, but he’s willing to cut Abedin some slack because “she did not have any intention to violate the law.” That’s not where mens rea comes in dumb-ass and he knows it, but he’s trying to snow the public into thinking it’s not really a crime if you don’t know what the law is. NO! The crime exists, with the requisite intent when the person knowingly does the action that is prohibited. She forwarded the emails! She allowed backups to take place. She knew that! She was lazy and careless, and apparently above the law. It’s people like him that give lawyers a bad name. And besides, if her excuse is that she didn’t know it was wrong, then what kind of crappy orientation briefings are they running up there at State?! They are either corrupt or inept – which is it?
It’s not necessarily healthy for a society to endure such endless investigations of its public entities and officials, since these investigations rarely yield satisfactory or judicious results. However, it is necessary in this case because we have allowed such massive corruption to become infested in our government. We may be weary, but we need to push on to try to clean up these messes and prevent any further deterioration of the public trust, and to ensure our government operates in an efficient and ethical manner – so that we can once again be a moral authority in the world.
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