Speaking Plain Truth And Big Boy Press Conferences – Biden

Speaking Plain Truth And Big Boy Press Conferences – Biden

Speaking Plain Truth And Big Boy Press Conferences – Biden

Yesterday, the NY Times published an article about speaking the plain truth to Joe Biden and White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby promised Joe would hold a “big boy” press conference on Thursday. All the while Biden remains defiant about leaving the White House before January 20. 2029. All the while, Joe and Doctor Jill Biden remains unburdened by what has been and unconcerned by what will be – to paraphrase Kamala Harris. They don’t make plans, they just wing it.

Back in March of 2023, Docter Jill said that she and her husband would never even discuss a thing like a neurological exam.

My dear husband and I are significantly younger and we have discussed a neurological exam and many other tests. Just saying. Ignorance is not bliss.

Meanwhile, the Editorial Board of the New York Times published, “The Democratic Party Must Speak the Plain Truth to the President”. Well guy, that plane has pulled away from the terminal and is hurtling down the runway. If Democracy was in any way important to y’all, you wouldn’t have installed Creepy Joe and ALL his baggage in 2020 and then you would have held an honest to gravy real primary this go around. Y’all booked your trip, enjoy the ride. Speaking plain truth, forget about it. As they, kvetch about Biden holding onto the nuclear codes, the Editorial Board reminds us that Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy:

For voters who held out hope that President Biden’s failure to communicate during last month’s debate was an aberration, the intervening days have offered little comfort.

Donald Trump’s candidacy for a second term poses a grave threat to American democracy. Mr. Biden, instead of campaigning vigorously to disprove doubts and demonstrate that he can beat Mr. Trump, has maintained a scripted and controlled schedule of public appearances. He has largely avoided taking questions from voters or journalists — the kinds of interactions that reveal his limitations and caused him so much trouble on the debate stage. And when he has cast aside his teleprompter, most notably during a 22-minute interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Friday, he has continued to appear as a man in decline.

The president, elected in 2020 as an antidote to Mr. Trump’s malfeasance and mendacity, is now trying to defy reality.


You mean you didn’t notice anything before that Thursday debate? Like there totally weren’t signs that anything was amiss before? Bunch of liars.

Some of saw the signs years ago. Last year, Sky News’ James Macpherson, took note of Biden’s “God Save the Queen, man” at a speech in Connecticut. The Queen had been dead for more than a year. Joe did go to her funeral. He was 14 rows back, but surely someone told him why they were there.

Speaking of doing clean up duty. “Baghdad Bob” John Kirby riffed off of a Karine Jean Pierre press conference and promised us a Big Boy Press Conference.

As Nick Arama of Red State wrote:

The Biden administration is truly a continuous clown show.

In the face of concerns about his cognitive decline, Joe Biden refuses to take a cognitive test. There are all kinds of leaks about the hoops people are jumping through behind the scenes just to help him operate day to day. Then we have the question raised about visits to the White House by the Parkinson’s expert, and the White House doesn’t even think they have any obligation to be straight with us on that.

But it’s Joe Biden, so they can always go lower. Who really thought this was a good idea for White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security spokesperson John Kirby to announce that Biden would be doing a “Big Boy” press conference on Thursday?

That’s insane. Do they really think that quiets concerns about dementia when you refer to him that way? To treat him like a child, even in public, like this? That only adds to it. It’s like how Jill treated him like a toddler after the debate, telling him he “got every question right.”

There is another problem here. Big Boy Press Conference? Isn’t that setting the bar a little high?

It also caused me a problem. I happen to adore Big Boys from Frisch’s. Slathered with tarter sauce.

Sometime this week, I MUST drive to Loudon, Kentucky to get one. I-75 is a freaking mess this time of year. Gah!!

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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1 Comment
  • Thomas Borchelt says:

    I love Frisch’s fish sandwich. Every Friday during Lent, my parents would take me there for “Frische’s Fish”.
    A simpler time…

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