Sarah McBride, Transwoman Running For Congress From Delaware

Sarah McBride, Transwoman Running For Congress From Delaware

Sarah McBride, Transwoman Running For Congress From Delaware

If, over the next few months, some random person happens to ask you “Have you heard that Sarah McBride is running for congress from the state of Delaware?”, you answer, “Why yes, I have heard that.”. Then softly repeat, “So stunning, so brave”. Look of wonderment in your eyes is strictly optional. Don’t think. Don’t roll your eyes. Don’t give it away. Miss McBride is a transwoman and there is no way you can win with a rational answer, so just stick with “so stunning, so brave” and you will be safe.

While we don’t usually discuss a person’s looks here at Victory Girls blog, we do make exceptions. Our exception here is to note that as a biological male claiming to be a transwoman, Sarah McBridge at least makes a marginal effort to look like a woman unlike Lia Thomas. It really seems like if you are going to wear woman face, you should at least make a modicum of effort. There is a big difference in believability between Milton Berle and Corporal Klinger or RuPaul. Although to be fair, all of them are at least entertaining. Remember the Major James Lee Henry? He is a transwoman who tried to sell medical secrets to the Rssionns.

We live in such interesting times.

Now, Miss Sarah is running for Federal office from Delaware. According to The Hill:

Delaware Democrat Sarah McBride, who in 2020 became the nation’s first openly transgender state senator, is setting out to make history again — this time as the first out transgender person elected to Congress.
“My commitment is to the people in Delaware who aren’t seen,” McBride said Monday in a campaign video announcing her bid for Delaware’s sole House seat. “Everyone deserves a member of Congress who sees them and who respects them.”

So stunning. So brave. Sarah McBride should understand and articulate that each person within the district she is running to represent deserves and pays for representation whether they are “seen” or “unseen”. The millionaire and the pauper both deserve representation. Those who are intact deserve representation just as much as those who have been spayed or neutered.

Two years ago, Sarah McBride became the first Delaware State transgender senator. So stunning. So brave. Interesting that Madison Cawthorne has since been defeated, but is mentioned in the same news broadcast as Sarah McBride:

Here is Sarah’s first ad for the congressional run.

I know that she is stunning and brave, but that voice is creepy and weird. She has been out and changing her gender for 11 years, it ain’t gonna get any better. Here is a portion Sarah’s coming out letter from 11 years ago as Student Government President of American University:

As SG President, I realized that as great as it is to work on issues of fairness, it only highlighted my own struggles. It didn’t bring the completeness that I sought. By mid-fall, it had gotten to the point where I was living in my own head. With everything I did, from the mundane to the exciting, the only way I was able to enjoy it was if I re-imagined doing it as a girl. My life was passing me by, and I was done wasting it as someone I wasn’t.
I told my family and some of my closest friends over winter break. My brothers and parents greeted me with immediate support and unconditional love. This was the first time that my parents have had to worry about my safety, my job prospects and my acceptance. This story is my experience and my experience alone. There is no one-size-fits-all narrative; everyone’s path winds in different ways.
The experience highlights my own privilege. I grew up in an upper-income household, in an accepting environment and with incredible educational opportunities. I never worried about my family’s reaction.
But those worries are all too common for most. For far too many trans individuals, the reality is far bleaker; coming out oftentimes means getting kicked out of your home. I say this not to diminish my own experience, but to acknowledge the privilege and opportunities which have been afforded to me.

Such typical Liberal privilege speech. They can’t do it without the Noblesse Oblige reaching down to pull them up. And 11 years later, it hasn’t changed:

Right-wing attacks on family and kids? Right-wing coming after the LGBTQ folks? Sarah missed the LGBTQ Pride Parades where they were chanting, “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children:

Who is attacking whom, Sarah? Please be brave and stunning and tell the truth.

Featured Image: Prachatai/ Commons

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  • Lloyd says:

    Sorry, but I could never vote for freak created through chemical/surgical means. Let him/her/it serve elsewhere…not in a governing body serving state or nation.

  • Cameron says:

    “Those who are intact deserve representation just as much as those who have been spayed or neutered.”

    So glad I was not drinking anything when I read that.

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