Salon: The (Far) Right Hates America

Salon: The (Far) Right Hates America

Salon: The (Far) Right Hates America

In the world of liberalism, where up is down, left is right and truth is a lie, we have the wordsmithing of Salon writers who use their pseudo-intellectualism to tell the masses that the “far right hates America”.

In translation, what Salon writers really mean when they say the “far right” is, pretty much, anyone on the right. Enter, Mike Lofgren, former Republican U.S. Congressional aide and now, shill for the left.

Lofgren starts his (very lengthy), bloviating piece with a cynical view of (far) right:

If there is one thing Republicans want you to know, it’s how much they bleed red, white and blue for America. None of their gatherings is complete without dozens if not hundreds of American flags, attendees sporting flag-themed costumes (some veering close to obscene mockery), Uncle Sam suits or Lady Liberty getups. Jimmy Cagney’s old schmaltz vehicle “Yankee Doodle Dandy” looks restrained by comparison.”-Mike Lofgren, Salon

And, blah, blah, blah and French deconstructionist philosophers, and “Cultural Marxism” , blah, blah and more veiled insults to Middle America. You know, “where the Bass Pro Shops outnumber the Starbucks and there are diners, away from the coasts”. Translation in leftist gobbledegook: where the dumb people live.

Think I am being too harsh? I think not. But Lofgren really tries to drive this point home in his Salon missive and this is a strategy of the left: throw so much of your intellectualism at the opposition and the other blind sheep of your fellow Democrats that, they all nod their heads in unison to agree with the “smart guy”.

What, then, accounts for the GOP’s adulation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán? As one observer puts it: “The American right’s love affair with Hungary seemingly knows no bounds.” That country’s wannabe dictator is now a regular feature at the annual CPAC convention (think of that event as the Burning Man festival, except for wingnuts), and luminaries of the American right regularly troop to Budapest to confer with Orbán and his cronies. American conservatives’ enthusiasm for foreign-based authoritarianism, and their readiness to cooperate with grandees like Orbán or Vladimir Putin, is now well established, a phenomenon I witnessed in its embryonic stage as early as 2016.”-Mike Lofgren, Salon

A “wannabe dictator” who wants to control illegal immigration into the country? This, is what the Democrats see as dictatorship. Protecting their own citizens is now “authoritarian”. Rallying behind the candidate who wants to deport illegal immigrants who kill and rape our young women and vote in our elections is “far right” and “dangerous”.Wanting to protect the lives of individuals who are voiceless is “far right”. And CPAC is a “Burning Man” for wingnuts? Has anyone seen the display at the DNC? Anyone? The giant, inflatable IUD? The abortion van? The complete normalization of killing the innocent and making this concept one of the key platforms for this election?

And, as far as Lofgren’s criticism of Putin? Seems as if he has quite a fond opinion of Kamala Harris, no?


…all the reflexes of the present-day American reactionary are prefigured: hatred of industry, cities, public education and internal improvements (the old term for infrastructure); distrust of cosmopolitanism, sophistication and the new; a worship of “tradition” that amounted to stultification; an equation of democratic principles with mob rule. Above all, a fundamental distaste for human equality, especially racial equality, but including political and social distinctions of gender and class.”-Mike Lofgren, Salon

Translation: the (far right) is not as sophisticated and cosmopolitan as their left-leaning, city-dweller, more-educated, betters. Everyone on the (far) right has a “distaste” for human equality-especially that racial equality-and gender and class equality.

Anyone who disagrees with Lofgen’s assessment will be cemented in the eyes of Salon readers and fellow Democrats as a “racist, sexist, bigot”.

…running through American conservatism like a red thread is a creepy fascination with violence, not to mention a habit of apocalyptic thinking and a longed-for showdown with satanic forces.”-Mike Lofgren, Salon

Satanic forces, Lofgren? Really? Is this why Conservatives oppose killing children? (Jeremiah 1:5) Is this why Conservatives oppose the demons of the left, who are confusing our children to the point of mental anguish and pushing them to the point of transfiguring their bodies? Is this why the entertainment industry (mostly leftist, liberal Democrats) insists upon nodding and paying homage to Baphomet himself? If these people want to call Conservatives the “Party of Satan”, think again. But Satanic folks believe in science, which is not the case for those “dogmatic” Christians with their “religious dogmatism, belief over evidence, anti-scientism, the imperative of obedience to hierarchy and a habitual brooding over violence.”

Seriously, there is so much to unpack here and there is not enough caffeine this morning that can bring me to dissect it all. The criticism Lofgren throws out of anti-scientism is so, completely cliche but par for the course with these types of people. The (far) right are the anti-science people and, excuse me? Brooding over violence? Who were the ones who “trusted the science” with “belief over evidence” and who violently burned down cities? Here’s a hint: it wasn’t the small-town, po-dunk, Bass Pro Shop shopper-simpletons who eat at diners and go to church on Sundays.

As I sit and type this, I harken back to last night when I held the door for the obvious liberals (clothing gives it away sometimes) coming my way in my town on the left coast. They looked right at me, saw that I was holding the door open and did not utter the common “thank you” pleasantry that most people with common sense and maybe not a ton of worldly book knowledge. Their entitled, elitist selfies just walked through that door. Give me the flags on porches, middle America, diner-dwellers, the people Lofgren calls “far right” to these miserable, soulless shells of human beings any day of the week. Salon can shove it up their collective derrières.

Photo Credit: Noah Wulf, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Cameron says:

    They hate that we prefer the rights of the individual to subservience to the state. They despise the fact that we treat people equally and don’t feel the need to coddle people based on their skin color or sexual preferences (As long as that only involves adults.). And they loathe the fact that we believe in protecting our lives instead of surrendering them to the approved victim groups.

    When they talk about how much we loathe the “cosmopolitan” we point out the homeless people shitting on the streets and the open drug markets which they see as a good thing.

  • John Shepherd says:

    He confuses Populists with the right, which is the fault of the actual right. Populism is left wing. Why do you think Populists went gaga over Junior and Tulsi, neither of which can be considered right wing? The real right should understand that the enemy of my enemy is an ally of convience, and not a friend. Populism is the alt-left and only gets labeled as right wing because that is what the left had done to their ideological heretics since Stalin purged Trotsky.

  • — Everyone on the (far) right has a “distaste” for human equality-especially that racial equality-and gender and class equality. —

    In a moral society, there is only equality before the law. No other kind of “equality” is possible.

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