Ron DeSantis Shot His Dog!

Ron DeSantis Shot His Dog!

Ron DeSantis Shot His Dog!

Okay, not really. Ron DeSantis did NOT shoot his dog, but that is what an unidentified male voice could be heard saying on the post-Alabama Republican Presidential debate discussion. That Ron DeSantis’s face looked like he shot his dog.

Megyn Kelly was one of the moderators that night, and during a post-debate analysis she was also hosting, she played a clip of a question she posed to Ron DeSantis. As the clip was playing, you could hear in the background some muffled laughter and a male voice saying about Ron, “Look at that face; he looks like he shot his dog.”

Of course, people are trying to make something out of this when it is a big fat, nothing burger. My take is that this isn’t something Megyn wouldn’t say on her own podcast. Or whoever the male voice was, he’d probably say it in front of a camera. People have no problem saying silly things out loud these days.

Megyn Kelly

I listen to Megyn Kelly on SiriusXM, The Triumph Channel 111, at 11:00 central. Her fearlessness in speaking out on women’s issues and her fresh voice on most political topics are refreshing. Sometimes, I disagree with her, but that’s a good thing, too.

Regarding which one of Megyn’s guests said the dog face pony liar, wait, dog shooter comment, no one has fessed up.

As of Friday evening, Kelly’s panelists for the show in question — NewsNation politics editor Chris Stirewalt, “The Fifth Column” podcast host Michael Moynihan, RealClearPolitics co-founder and publisher Tom Bevan and Emily Jashinsky of the Federalist — have not fessed up as to who made the comment but, as The Independent points out, whoever said it is certainly not the first to find humor in DeSantis’ awkwardness. – LINK

Who cares is what I say. It wasn’t that bad. It was sort of funny, and I like Ron DeSantis. Again, if you listen to Megyn Kelly’s show and some of her guests, this is so tame that nothing will get anyone in hot water. It’s a big fat nothing.

On Kelly’s YouTube channel, she will post clips daily from her live show from her Sirius program. Even if you only listened to or watched one small segment from Megyn Kelly (and guests), you know she doesn’t hold back. She doesn’t have to; she is beholden to no one.

You only need to watch and listen to the first minute of the video below with guests Rich Lowry and Jim Geraghty, where they talk about Chris Christie’s “white knight” moment with Nikki Haley.

I only brought the white knight segment up because I liked it. Kelly is right. Nikki should have paused Christie and said, “Thank you, but I’ve got this.”

You can determine for yourself if that “hot mic” with Ron DeSantis’ face looking like he shot his dog was controversial or not. I think it was nothing, and I don’t know why people are trying to make it a thing. I suspect those people don’t listen to alternative media outlets like Megyn Kelly. They are obviously still getting their news the old-fashioned way from ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Alternative News

Alternative news is not to be confused with bombastic whack-a-doos on the internet. I hear someone very controversial is coming back to X. And that’s fine and all. I personally don’t think someone should be banned from speaking, even if it is offensive and/or some crazy antigovernment wild conspiracy theories. What should happen is that we, the readers and consumers, should be able to discern for ourselves what we want to take in or call out. But Big Brother thinks we are stupid little children and must take away our privileges.

Let us not forget that Megyn Kelly interviewed Alex Jones in 2017, and everyone had a meltdown. Victory Girl Kim wrote about that controversy back then, too. I think bringing it out of the archives for you to re-read is acceptable.

FYI – Megyn Kelly will have Tucker Carlson (not a whack-a-doo) on her show on Monday, December 11th. I’ll be listening.

Feature Image: Bernese Mountain Dog/Flickr/Bernard Spragg/PDM 1.0 DEED

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    “Look at that face; he looks like he shot his dog.”
    I stopped caring what my president/presidential candidates looked like sometime around Kennedy. And I was born 3 years after he was shot. It is thoroughly irrelevant to the position. Even Chris Christie’s devotion to all things carbohydrate doesn’t put me off that much. (Any hypocrisy in regulating my diet would be a bigger problem.)

    It wasn’t that bad.
    Unfortunately, it was bad to all the people who vote for a celebrity. Those folks (and those fearful of being called racist) were the ones that put 0bama over the top in 2008. Oh, look, he has sharp creases in his pants! These low-information people are the ones Dems shoot for when they try to get 100% voting participation.

    But Big Brother thinks we are stupid little children
    Sadly, they are right about that. So many voters are childish and not very smart or informed. Which is just the way the left wants them.

    Good post, Carol.

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