Republicans Make Gains Against Obama

Republicans Make Gains Against Obama

In the light of day, the prospects for the fate of America look much better today.

With majorities in both houses of Congress (a co-equal branch of government BTW–in case you attended Professor Obama’s Con. Law class, where that part isn’t in the syllabus), the conservatives are poised to begin putting an end to the “defeat America” victory lap that the Democrats have been taking for some time now.

We warned you Democrats, but just like Narcissis, you flew to close to the sun, and came crashing to Earth.

For some time now, the voters have been waiting for this moment.  People who knew better and who saw through all the lies and buffoonery of an administration that keeps screaming “ALL IS WELL!!!” like Kevin Bacon in Animal House.  The majority of the people knew what needed to be done.

Putting an end to the reign of Harry Reid was a nice touch as well, in that I think his party will put him in exile, along with San Fran Nan for some time to come, now that they have to opportunity to send these mindless buffoons who spend their time talking about how “unemployment compensation creates jobs” and how evil the Koch Brothers are.  If I was a democrat (I just threw up a little bit in my mouth), I would see to it that these two Ministers of Jackassery were never allowed to speak for me again.

I don’t care either if the people voted their pocketbook, their job or lack thereof, or they just voted “Not Obama.”  I am glad that they voted, whatever the reason.

And now two things are very apparent.

The first is that when the voters give the GOP a mandate like this, they expect the newly elected to govern, and in this case it is a verb. They expect them to do the things they voted them into office to do, that means they will have to find their collective spine, and be prepared to make difficult choices that will make them very unpopular with MSNBC, the Lamestream Media and the Liberal Blogosphere.

All the voters ask is that the GOP does what they said they would do if given power. An additional bonus however would be that the newly elected GOP folks find it within themselves to drag the RINOs in the party to the deep waters of conservatism and then drown them in it. People like Lindsay Graham, Thad Cochran and increasingly, Karl Rove, would be a good start to driving this bus in the right direction. The last thing this wave needs is to crash upon the rocks of “bipartisanship.” How about dragging the RINOs and the Democrats to right instead of agreeing to meet them somewhere left of center?

The second thing goes with the first; and that is now that Barack Obama can see that his agenda and vision have been soundly rejected, he is going to become even more dangerous to the republic. His ego cannot stand the beating that it took last night and there is likely to be much in the way of “I’ll show you” coming down the road. His boundless narcissism will not allow him to be shown up in this way, but this is the gaping hole in his armor.

For the first time in his two terms, he will be forced to make decisions that will show the voters who he really is. When the jobs bill or the Keystone pipeline bill hit his desk, he will get to show his colors; he is either “for or against” whatever lands on his desk, because you can’t vote “present” on bills to be signed into law. He will have to choose, one way or the other and it will be worse for him and his party no matter which way he goes. If he says “no” to bills he gets from the GOP Congress, the GOP can spend their days on every major outlet flogging the President for his intransigence on getting Americans back to work, or energy independence, or his indecision on ISIS, or any number of other issues in their agenda. If he says “yes” then the GOP can claim victory on dragging the President across the aisle to agree with their agenda.

Neither of which is going to make any of his supporters happy. If he is intransigent and unmovable for long enough, 2016 looks even worse for his party. If he agrees to go along, he will have sold out his socialist progressive collectivist base to the “bigs” that he so often rails against. As the face of his party, this is exactly the wrong place to be if you want your party to be relevant.  Bad times are coming for the Dems because Obama can’t get out of his own way.

So enjoy the moment, the time for celebration is now, but very soon, the time will come that we have to roll up our sleeves and get cracking on turning this ship away from the shoals we are certainly headed for.

Smells like….. Victory…

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  • Steve says:

    To pick a nit, Icarus flew too close to the sun.
    Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. So it’s still applicable to leftists, obsessed as they are with image.

  • TMR says:

    Great Article.

    But one small correction: It was Icarus that flew too close to the sun.

  • Jodi says:

    Yep, The Naked Emperor can’t Hide Behind Harry any more.

    And that whole “War on Insert Minority” thing: Debunked.

    Shove it, Commies.

    • Appalled By The World says:

      Maybe now the War on Sanity is at an end at long last. They have lost-now we need something similar to the de-nazification of Germany after WW2 to complete the process.

      I think I just threw up in my mouth picturing The Big 0 naked!

  • Appalled By The World says:

    “Putting an end to the reign of Harry Reid was a nice touch as well, in that I think his party will put him in exile, along with San Fran Nan for some time to come…..”

    I’m not as certain about this-unless they are treated like an infestation of cockroaches there is always the chance that they will return sometime in the future. But aside from this I agree about 4000 percent with everything else here!

  • J.Marie says:

    “For the first time in his two terms, he will be forced to make decisions that will show the voters who he really is.”

    Well said. I am gleefully schadenfreude at this moment.

    • Appalled By The World says:

      Actually, I think everyone does know who he really is. Here we all know him as the destroyer of the nation. To his followers he is their god. In both cases nothing will change minds-but I think it is us who view him correctly because everything he has done and said contradicts all this nation has stood for.

  • Joe Miller says:

    While I’m thoroughly pleased with what happened yesterday (My own state, Maryland, has a Republican governor-elect), a part of me knows full well that the Republicans will be disappointing us soon. Just don’t know what form it will take.

    The meeting that the President has planned for Friday had me thinking about the meeting in Goldfinger where Goldfinger has all the crime bosses come to his place to discuss his plans. I’m not sure why it reminds me of that.

  • Merle says:

    Nothing like a little napalm in the morning! 🙂


  • Marc says:

    I just want a televised conference between Obama and Congress people and have one of the Republicans tell him that “the election is over. We won.”

  • Dan says:

    Little-known story: Narcissus and Icarus were good friends. Icarus, an accomplished and safe aerialist who knew his limitations, took Narcissus for a flight on a cool cloudy day.

    Narcissus, carrying his hand mirror, wanted more light to gaze upon his beauty and demanded Icarus fly higher, above the clouds, simply because he was convinced his words had magical power to make things happen.

    Icarus reluctantly agreed to the higher altitude. That’s when Icarus’s wings melted and both he and Narcissus crashed to ground.

    President Narcissus has crashed our country.

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