Red Flags Fly Regarding U.S. Spec Ops Colonel And Chechen Trespassers In North Carolina

Red Flags Fly Regarding U.S. Spec Ops Colonel And Chechen Trespassers In North Carolina

Red Flags Fly Regarding U.S. Spec Ops Colonel And Chechen Trespassers In North Carolina

There are many red flags surrounding the reports of a U.S. Special Operations Colonel confronting trespassers and shooting one of them. Specifically that the trespassers have been identified as Chechen nationals. 

A mysterious shooting in North Carolina north of Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, not far from where some of America’s most elite U.S. Special Operations forces live and train is under investigation by the Army Criminal Investigation Division as well as local police. The shooting in Carthage, North Carolina occurred May 3 at 8:15 p.m. following a phone call about a suspected trespasser near a Special Forces soldier’s property.

Two Chechen men who spoke broken English were found near the soldier’s home. The family alleges the suspected intruder, 35-year-old Ramzan Daraev of Chicago was taking photos of their children. When confronted near a power line in a wooded part of the property, an altercation ensued and Daraev was shot several times at close range. A second man, Dzhankutov Adsalan, was in a vehicle some distance from the incident and was questioned by authorities and then released. The Moore County Sheriff’s office is leading the investigation.

This is where the red flags start to fly. First, why was the second trespasser released? No one is talking. Secondly, we are now seeing additional reports that bring into question the veracity of the claims that the two Chechens were just simple utility workers. 

Such as the fact that neither man was wearing any clothing that would identify himself as a utility company employee. Not only that, but both men were found well over 250 yards away from any utility poles. Furthermore, as Fox News reported, they weren’t carrying any utility equipment. Just cell phones full of Russian contacts and expensive camera equipment. 

RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar has done some additional digging into this story and is finding red flags everywhere. Such as the fact that this was NOT the first time these two men were scoping out that particular Special Ops Colonel’s home. 

And she finds the background of the utility company is sketchy, after seeing reports of when Utilities One was founded, which was in late December 2023.

The CEO is Serghei Busmachiu, and there are a number of people from Eastern Europe on the executive team, including Alin (Alexandrin) Patron and Dumitru Boscanean. Patron is the registered agent for a number of Utilities One branch corporations.

No, no red flags there. None whatsoever. Add to that, but Daraev’s family has launched a petition. It seems they know exactly what happened and supposedly have all the photos of how Daraev was shot. Which is interesting given the fact that the authorities haven’t released any info regarding the particulars of the shooting. 

The company, Utilities One, issued a press release over social media but not on their company website. The company claims that the authorities have not contacted them over the incident and that Daraev was just innocently conducting surveys for a fiber infrastructure project. 

Another factor to keep in mind is that not only have Special Operations soldiers been reporting they’ve been surveilled multiple times over the last few months, two power substations were hit with gunfire last year in the SAME area as this incident. 

Let’s add a few other highly concerning red flags to all of this. 

No, that isn’t concerning at all to find out that those Jordanians were here illegally! Especially in light of what Bill Melugin has been consistently reporting for months now regarding the floods of illegals arriving in the United States from the Middle East and China. 

NEW: Another 118 Chinese nationals crossed illegally into San Diego sector yesterday, per CBP sources.

I’m told San Diego sector has now had 30,000+ Chinese since October 1st.

Other San Diego sector nationalities since 10/1:

8,900+ India
7,800+ Turkey
2,900+ Uzbekistan
4,400+ Mauritania
3,000+ Vietnam
5,600+ Guinea

30,000+ Chinese crossing illegally in San Diego sector since 10/1 is unprecedented.
It’s an 8,600% increase over all of fiscal year 2021, when just 342 Chinese nationals crossed illegally – across the entire southern border.

There is now an orchestrated, well organized cartel smuggling operation of Chinese into Southern California, and it appears there has essentially been zero effort to stop it.

No, nothing to see here. Just Joe’s massive open borders policy is leading to highly concerning incidents involving our soldiers and military bases around the country. 

So, here we have multiple red flags involving people here illegally trying to get on to our military bases, getting caught surveilling individual soldiers, and now we find out that foreign nationals (likely here illegally) have been attempting base incursions on a weekly basis. 

The national security implications surrounding all this are huge.

And yet the Biden Administration keeps charging forward with their open borders policy while bending a knee to our adversaries. 

Feature Photo Credit: Siren via iStock, cropped and modified

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    30,000+ Chinese crossing illegally
    Yeah, you don’t get 30,000 Chinese just escaping from mainland China. Maybe hundreds or 1,000 a year. 30,000+ in 7 months requires an act of the Chinese government.

    Everyone knows the only way to fix this is to vote out every single democrat from public office.
    No. You will have to destroy the Progressive church’s political structure and gut the Deep State. The problem isn’t just Dems.

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