Former President George H. W. Bush in the Hospital; “41” has Bronchitis!

Former President George H. W. Bush in the Hospital; “41” has Bronchitis!

Former President George H. W. Bush in the Hospital;  “41” has Bronchitis!

Former President George H. W. Bush (“41”) has been hospitalized for the last 7 days in Houston. He has Bronchitis and though it’s not expected to be life threatening, President Bush the Elder, is 88 years old and the Doctors want to make sure it doesn’t develop into Pneumonia or something worse. President Bush was admitted to Methodist Hospital the day after Thanksgiving and has been visited by the Bush family including his oldest son, former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. We love the Bush family here at Victory Girls and are praying for a full and quick recovery for “41”.

Former Presidents, Father and Son: George H.W. and George W. Bush

“41” skydiving on 85th birthday!

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