Please Throw The “Dementia Card” At Donald Trump

Please Throw The “Dementia Card” At Donald Trump

Please Throw The “Dementia Card” At Donald Trump

It’s everywhere and they are all doing it. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex is throwing the Dementia Card at Trump. Please do. Throw that card at Donald Trump. Every day. All day. We are here for it. No one is covering up Trump’s “apparent decline”. If Trump was declining at all, Republicans would throw him out so fast it would make the F-4 Phantom II look like a buggy horse. We are begging you, on bended knee, with tears in our eyes, to throw that card. B*tches.

Before we discuss the Dementia Card, I have got to show you this from the Kamala and Liz Show yesterday:

I would let him babysit my Granddaughter, too, expecting the same results. Probably build a barn. She practically lives in the barn.

Now about that Dementia Card. The Daily Caller posted this yesterday: It’s Pretty Bloody Rich’: Piers Morgan, Dave Rubin Tear Into Dem Strategist For Playing ‘Dementia Card’ On Trump. We love this:

British host Piers Morgan and political podcaster Dave Rubin called out Democratic strategist Ameshia Cross on Monday after she claimed that former President Donald Trump was suffering from dementia.

For nearly three years, Republicans have questioned President Joe Biden’s mental fitness, with lawmakers expressing increased concern in June following Biden’s disastrous debate against Trump. On “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Cross asked why Democrats “can’t go after” Trump regarding his mental fitness, asserting that the former president can no longer “complete sentences,” stand still, or “make sense.”

Before allowing Rubin to push back on Cross’s remarks, Morgan interjected, criticizing the party for “hiding” Biden’s condition “for two years from the American people.”

“What I would say about that is, it’s pretty bloody rich of the Democrats, frankly. After hiding the state of Joe Biden for two years from the American people, when he clearly has got onset early dementia. It’s pretty rich to play the dementia card at Trump who basically does a two-hour rock show most nights on stage,” Morgan said.

“I’ll go further than that. It’s not two years that they hid this, it’s from before he was president,” Rubin said. “I was doing videos in 2019 about this. Whether he has dementia or Parkinson’s or whatever, it is a fact that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and likely Barack Obama, but undoubtedly Kamala Harris — they got him in an office, I’m talking about Joe Biden, and they basically threatened him with the 25th Amendment which is why he’s not running anymore. We know this is a fact because Joe Biden basically said that on ‘The View’ that he still thinks he’s capable and that he would have beat Donald Trump.”

Bloody rich? Yes. But Democrats don’t understand truth, hypocrisy, irony, introspection or self-deception. Bloody rich is what you are going to get. Like this:

Did I mention that have no self-awareness or transparency?

Also, there is that screeching crone, Amanda Marcottr, writing “Trump’s apparent decline might make his next coup tougher to pull off” in Salon:

Anyone who’s paying attention has noticed that Donald Trump isn’t doing so well. First came the bizarre town hall last week, in which the Republican presidential nominee swayed back and forth to music for 39 minutes to avoid taking questions. Trump followed up last weekend by boring a crowd in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, with a meandering 12-minute story about Arnold Palmer, ending with the apparent boast that he’d seen the famous golfer’s genitalia. As Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer noted, even the loyal rally audience reacted with “stone silence” to most of this. Even the smattering of laughter when Trump marveled at the Palmer penis was, Bunch suggested, mostly a “nervous outlet for this American unraveling.”

Trump “swayed back and forth to music for 39 minutes” while two medical emergencies were cared for. It he had taken questions that would have been very ill-bred.

Trump is not an empty suit. He goes with the flow. He has a good time.

Speaking of ill-bred, even in Salon the word “genet*alia” looks wrong. Trump never used that word in regard to the late golfer, Arnold Palmer. Apparently, Palmer’s manhood was impressive. Trump was quite complimentary. From Forbes:

Within the first 12 minutes of his rally in Latrobe—which is Palmer’s hometown—Trump praised Palmer as “all man,” before he took it further, saying: “When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable … We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”

Trump also reminisced about golfing with Palmer and said the rally would be more fun if the golfer (who died in 2016) could join him, taking it further than what politicians typically say about the famous golfer when visiting his hometown, the Associated Press reported.

Oh my stars and garters. If I had on my pearls I would clutch them. And this X post is spot on:

The Democrat Media Industrial Complex covered and flat out lied for Biden for five years. They can throw the Dementia Card every week all day and twice on Sunday. They owe us before they said a word.


Feature Image: Grok/X/Cropped/Public Domain

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