A Planned Parenthood Merry Christmas

A Planned Parenthood Merry Christmas

A Planned Parenthood Merry Christmas

It’s a Merry Christmas for Planned Parenthood this year. Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire reports that Feliz Navipod will host a fundraiser for the benefit of Planned Parenthood.

There’s nothing quite like celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, perhaps the most important pregnancy of all time, by throwing a star-studded variety show fundraiser for the organization that ends the lives of more than 300,000 unplanned children every year.

But, of course, celebrities have no sense of irony, so they’re doing precisely that: throwing a “Christmas extravaganza” in Los Angeles, all for the benefit of Planned Parenthood. The “second annual Feliz Navipod’s Feliz Navidad Variety Show” will be held in Los Angeles next Monday. Tickets are $15.

Mandy Moore of “This Is Us”

Celebrities hoping to punch their Social Justice and Charity Cards include Mandy Moore, singer and star of “This Is Us,” and Colin Hanks, son of mega star Tom Hanks. Early arrivals to the Feliz Navipod Variety Show may donate to receive this lovely print depicting Santa Claus and Krampus. It’s suitable for framing, doncha know.

Santa Claus and Krampus

While Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire noted the celebs’ non-existent sense of irony, she missed the most gruesome of the invite for this celebration of infanticide. The Facebook invite reads:

Join us for the 2nd Annual Feliz Navipod’s Feliz Navidad: A Variety Show Benefiting Planned Parenthood.
Things kind of suck right now. So, let’s try and make them not suck. Let’s have a fun night and get into the holiday spirit for a great cause at Feliz Navipod’s Feliz Navidad Variety Show. A night of comedy and music benefiting Planned Parenthood. PLUS, free Christmas treats!

Suction abortion machine

Things suck at Planned Parenthood. The abortion machine pictured above makes sure things suck at Planned Parenthood. The video below shows just how much:

Yeah, that really sucks. A pound of hamburger has a higher IQ than most celebrities and don’t even get me started on their empathy quotient. Victory Girls Blog has been on Planned Parenthood and their murderous gang. Jodi Giddings wrote about Planned Parenthood and harvesting brains. Yes, you read that right. Read Jodi’s blog post here.

Someday, when the hysteria over a “woman’s right to choose” has been overcome by science, Planned Parenthood and the abortion fanatics will be seen for the barbarous cretins that they are. Someday when common sense prevails or, more likely, we all stand before God, Planned Parenthood and the abortion celebrants will know the death and destruction they have brought on to the unborn and the human race.

Meantime, in Hollywood, Mandy Moore and Colin Hanks will be raising funds at Christmas to abort babies in 2018. Merry Christmas.

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  • Nina says:

    Spot on Toni! If they want to be empathetic…then the idiot celebs should do something useful like donating to the fire recovery efforts. This “party” is not useful…its deadly.

  • MSNBC national correspondent Joy Reid reported that the “dustup happened during the White House Christmas party, and that it may have started with a back and forth between her and John Kelly, who then said ‘you’re fired.’ The attempt to go to the residence was about saying ‘hell no you can’t.’ But he did.”
    – Raw Story: White House says Omarosa has a job until January, but Secret Service won’t let her in.

    As the nation faces a massive cultural shift and woman across the country come forward with their stories of rape, harassment and abuse, Fox News pundit Laura Ingraham worries that the real victims are going to be “this season’s Christmas parties.” ShareBlue.com reported that Ingraham believes that a heightened awareness of the dynamics of sexual assault and harassment is going to take all the “fun” out of the season.
    – Fox News: Laura Ingraham laments that #MeToo movement is ‘killing all the fun’ of Christmas parties.

    We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough. – Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr; U.S. Supreme Court: Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927); authorizing the compulsory sterilization of Carrie Buck born in Charlottesville, Virginia.
    – IG [ig.tygae.org.za]: 17-09-07_fewgoodmen-handlethetruth-2.

    The carrying capacity of the earth is not only finite (and not infinite), but also decreasing every second of every day as humanity is using the finite and limited resources of the earth which are necessary for civilization to exist. At some point of time in the future the human population will grow until it exceeds the carrying capacity of the earth and civilization will collapse in a ball of fire caused by the failure to use the best and most modern means of birth control and abortion, caused by the failure to murder potential human beings before birth. Those that oppose abortion and/or modern birth control believe they are protecting the sanctity of life. They are not protecting the sanctity of life. They are merely delaying the time when the murders will happen from before birth to after birth; they are merely changing the description of those who will be murdered from an egg, a sperm and a fetus to a living, breathing human being; they are causing the pain of those that are murdered to increase dramatically (an egg feels no pain when it is not fertilized, a sperm fells no pain when it does not fertilize an egg; and we can debate how much pain a fetus feels when it is aborted early in the gestation process—-wars cause large amounts of pain to those who are raped, starved, injured, tortured, or killed).
    – EoP Leg Sub [eop-leg-sub.tygae.org.za]: 10 Dec: Brent Jason: Abortion, Birth Control and Murder.

    Individuals whose moral supremacist criticism of sexual harassment is sincere; may wish to inform their male/female readers sincerely opposed to sexual harassment; that there is a culture on Planet Earth whose cultural laws – which are subject to individuals abiding by EoP Scientific Laws – do not tolerate violations of informed consent, from men or women; should they be interested in being members of the EoP culture. The Ecology of Peace culture’s crimes of aggression [crimes-of-aggression.tygae.org.za] penalties for violations of Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Laws [eop-scicultlaw.tygae.org.za] include (i) the death penalty offense for intentional violations of fully informed consent; and (ii) require all parties to learn ego/eco literacy [ego-eco-literacy.tygae.org.za] communication practices for negligent violation of fully informed consent; so as to enable them to relate to individuals of other races, religions, genders, in terms of fully informed consenting relating practices.
    – EoP Leg Sub [eop-leg-sub.tygae.org.za]: 20 Nov: EoP Cult Re: Vox: There is not a continent on planet Earth without sexual harassment.

    A copy of this comment shall be posted to eop-leg-sub.tygae.org.za.

  • GWB says:

    Not sure why, but your link to Jodi’s post is a youtube link. (At least, that’s what I’m seeing.)

  • Toni Williams says:

    Thanks GWB. I will fix it.

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