Pelosi May Lose Capitol Hideaway And We Love This

Pelosi May Lose Capitol Hideaway And We Love This

Pelosi May Lose Capitol Hideaway And We Love This

Kevin McCarthy is out, and apparently, so may Nancy Pelosi. According to a report from The Hill, Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) ordered Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to vacate her Capitol hideaway.

The one and only Democrat that would have saved McCarthy…

…is getting the boot. McHenry’s office requested that Pelosi vacate her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday because it is being re-allocated “for speaker office use”. Pelosi had other thoughts on this matter:

With all of the important decisions that the new Republican Leadership must address, which we are all eagerly awaiting, one of the first actions taken by the new Speaker Pro Tempore was to order me to immediately vacate my office in the Capitol. This eviction is a sharp departure from tradition. As Speaker, I gave former Speaker Hastert a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished.” -Nancy Pelosi

Now, that’s a laugh. I thought we were breaking traditions, Nancy? Tradition is boring. Wouldn’t want to be too “traditional” in values on human life and gender roles, would we? Got to break some traditions and glass ceilings there. But, one must hold tight to tradition when it comes to hanging on the Pelosi’s office at the Capitol. Can’t kick the old bag to the curb, now can we?

Is it, though? You know what’s rude? Eating twenty-dollar ice cream out of a $25 thousand-dollar freezer during a pandemic when people are out of work and unable to pay their bills for everyone to see on YouTube. Ripping up a sitting president’s speech on national television would not exactly qualify as exuding grace and class, either, Ms. Pelosi.

Office space doesn’t matter to me, but it seems to be important to them. Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let’s hope they get to work on what’s truly important for the American people.”-Nancy Pelosi

Office space doesn’t matter to her? Oh! But it DOES! And get to work on what’s important to the American people
? Wait a minute, Nance. You and your squad cried out the word “impeach” for four whole years and got nothing done. Just like all of the hard work for Americans you did in San Francisco, right?

I may be too harsh. Nancy Pelosi DID focus on the important matters and details, like getting personalized pens specifically to sign Trump’s impeachment articles. That was a nice touch and not petty at all, amiright?

Seems as if Nancy can dish out the petty slights but she can’t take them.

And, if we were to dive even deeper into this “what is important to the American people” business, the whole Matt Gaetz three-ring-circus yesterday didn’t help much. Yes, McCarthy tried to get the Democrats on-board, to the detriment of the American people. Meanwhile, the prices at the grocery stores, and the gas pump increased for the American people. Our borders are not secured, our cities are unsafe and our government is funneling money we don’t have for a never-ending war overseas. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has just taken a crap all over itself and, we still have a president who craps all over himself-figuratively and perhaps even literally. Don’t worry. He’s a “leader who is the personification of hope and courage”. He “knows how to get the job done“. (Snicker.)

According to an e-mail, the room was to be “re-keyed”.

Bottles and Polydent. You know what they say. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. And, who doesn’t like a clean house?

We won’t get too giddy just yet. We know Pelosi wants back in. She was hoping to install herself run again in 2024. If she just left her belongings in “her” hideaway, there would be nothing to move back into the Capitol.

We say KUDOS to Patrick McHenry for doing what McCarthy should have done months ago. But, alas, this all may be too good to be true. Nancy Pelosi may have moved her boxes out with the help of Hakeem Jeffries but she will ultimately try to worm her way back into the Capitol so she could attempt to “fix” what she had never fixed during her years in office.

Pass the popcorn. There’s going to be some serious denture clacking happening.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Bob says:

    Special perks for “special” people in Congress? Are there a lot more “hideaways” etc. than we peons are entitled to know about, at our expense?

  • therealguyfaux says:

    There’s almost a Leona Helmsley vibe to her: “Ordinary offices are for the ‘little people’!”

    She’s now a backbencher, not even a ranking member on any committee that I can find with a cursory search, so why would she need more space than, e.g., La lLoca, Rashida Taliban or Incest Omar?

  • Cameron says:

    Hopefully, they fumigate the place with a gallon of Lysol before someone else moves in.

  • George V says:

    This is another thing that sucks about Congress. It makes sense that each party should maintain offices for the party leadership of both major parties – Speaker, Minority Leader, and maybe the whips or whoever is third in line. And if you lose one of those offices – that is, if you are no longer speaker or minority leader and are just another general, run-of-the-mill schlub, then you go back one of the offices of the general, run-of-the-mill schlub representatives or senators.

    But no. Congress has to have special things for special people who do special things for their special friends. And they wonder why people don’t like them.

    • GWB says:

      Nope. It doesn’t even make sense for Congress to allocate the space the People have given them for ANY party position. Period. Parties are not mentioned in the Constitution.

      And I don’t even think the one position mentioned in the Constitution should get a special office? Why should they?

  • GWB says:

    There should be no special office space for anyone with a position in Congress. Period.
    Office space should not be allocated based on seniority, where congresscritters that have more seniority get better digs.


    Every single congresscritter should have an office with enough space for 2 aides/secretaries, and they should share common conference room space. Period.

    Of course, if you enacted my Term Limits Amendment* you wouldn’t have that problem, anyway.

    (* No Representative can serve longer than 4 full terms. No Senator may serve more than 2 full terms. No elected federal official may serve any more than 20 total years (excepting partial terms defined below) in ANY federal elected office.
    Partial terms are defined as those with less than 1/4 of the term remaining (as defined by calendar days) when elected or appointed to the office. The office of President is otherwise term limited as described in the 22d Amendment.)

    BTB, I would also offer a term limit on bureaucrats and SES. You may not work any longer than 10 years in any federal office, excepting the military, without interruption of at least 10 years.

  • agimarc says:

    Given the successful lockstep voting by democrats during the year or so after Nancy retired, kind of makes you wonder if she is still pulling the strings for the caucus with Jeffries as the figurehead. Kicking Nancy out would have been my first act as Speaker, yet another reason to cashier McCarthy. Should have been publicly mentioned. Cheers –

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