Pastor Explodes Truth Bomb In Front Of School Board

Pastor Explodes Truth Bomb In Front Of School Board

Pastor Explodes Truth Bomb In Front Of School Board

Last week, Pastor John Amanchukwu, Jr. stood before the Wake County School Board and dropped a truth bomb on them. It was a Mother of All Bombs moment loaded with facts and plain old truth. If these school board members had any shame or sense of civic duty, they would have either resigned or committed themselves to resolving the issues immediately. The truth that Mr. Amanchukwu exploded in their faces was that, while they worship at the altar of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), our precious children cannot read or perform math. Shameful.

The Covid Scamdemic and the Teachers’ Unions conspired to lock our children down and inflict much damage upon them. On the other hand, it afforded their parents an opportunity to see just how heinous the education system has become. Encouraged by Big Education and promoted by those who see a money making opportunity, the schools have gone all in for DEI. Not helping the situation are the insecure and immature teachers who need affirmation from their underage students.

Last week, when I wrote about the Georgian Governor’s Debate, I included this:

Even when discussing why teachers are leaving the profession. Kemp didn’t answer, but said he gave teachers a $5000.00 bonus. Hazel said he favors privatizing schools and that his teacher wife homeschools their kids. And Abrams that teachers are leaving the profession out of frustration, because Brian Kemp keeps them from teaching the “full breadth” of history. NOTE TO ALL THE CANDIDATES: 36% of third graders in the state of Georgia cannot read at grade level. Teach them to read and they can read and learn history without you. Jeebus, I am so tired of these nimrods.

You want to really get scared? According to government statistics, 75% of prison inmates are illiterate. Our elected servants bleat about the schools to prison pipeline. There it is folks.

Pastor Amanchukwu knows all of this and lit up the school board:

Huzzah! Huzzah! Wake County, NC spent $1 million on a Diversity Office. You cannot make this up. From the Church Leaders website:

The pastor, who is Black, used his three minutes at the microphone to blast expensive efforts at teaching CRT and LGBTQ inclusion while ignoring subjects such as reading, writing, and math. “As we are teaching cultural Marxism and grooming children to be the next pervert,” he said, “we are damaging our kids in this public school system, and it needs to stop.”

Citing state-test statistics from 2020-2021, Amanchukwu noted that 78 percent of the district’s Black third- through eighth-graders aren’t proficient in math, and 66 percent aren’t proficient in reading. “We’re wasting money on a diversity, equity, and inclusion office while we are failing Black students ‘in the name of diversity,’” he said. “In the Jim Crow era, Black students were locked out of the public school system, but today they are trapped in.”

Preach it, Pastor. Proving the Pastor’s point, some thought that DEI is needed in schools, from the same article:

Other reactions to Amanchukwu’s statements were mixed. Local parent Renee Sekel tweeted a face-palm emoji, writing: “A kid who is being bullied; who is made to feel uncomfortable in their own skin, who must hide who they are, is not in a great place to learn reading and writing. ALL kids deserve to be safe and comfortable at school.”

David Blackwelder, a former Republican candidate in Wake County elections, lauded Amanchukwu as a “servant of god” but added: “I wish he would reconsider his position. I have personally known many in the LGBT community who are conservative, but are dismissed for their sexual preferences. God loves ALL people, regardless of their standing or beliefs.”

God does love all people and I believe God would be happier if they could all read. Just for the record, I have met very few 10-18 year olds who are comfortable in their own skins, mostly because your body and emotions are changing constantly.

Pastor Amanchukwu appeared on Tucker Carlson tonight last week, he preached the truth again:

Amen. Amen. The Pastor is a watchman not a wimp. This is Cultural Marxism. Those in charge of our schools do worship the god of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Mr. Amanchukwu is not the only parent speaking up:

These men and other brave parents risk being declared domestic terrorists by the Chinese Communist Party Biden Administration. We need more parents speaking up. Can your child read at grade level?

Featured Image: Benny Johnson/Twitter/cropped/Fair Use

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  • Has it ever been clearer why the educrats hate standardized tests of educational achievement?

  • Cameron says:

    The criticisms of the pastor’s words do nothing to address why children are failing in school. Focus on that first and then worry about your precious diversity programs.

    A kid who is being bullied; who is made to feel uncomfortable in their own skin, who must hide who they are, is not in a great place to learn reading and writing.

    Oh, look. An argument for homeschooling and school choice was accidentally made. Bravo.

    I have personally known many in the LGBT community who are conservative, but are dismissed for their sexual preferences.

    Might have something to do with the other members of that community who go after anyone who doesn’t celebrate their lifestyle. So yeah; they get lumped in with that group. Tell them to clean their own house.

  • GWB says:

    Those in charge of our schools do worship the god of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
    No. They worship the god of SELF. The root of identity ideology is making oneself into god. It’s been part of the progressive church for a long time now.

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