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Friday Fiction: 200 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 200 Word Challenge

A quote: “There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.” ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Karine Jean-Pierre: Joe Forced Out By Democrats Was Traumatizing

Karine Jean-Pierre: Joe Forced Out By Democrats Was Traumatizing

Well, one can certainly say that former WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lives in quite the bubble. According to her Biden getting forced out by the Democrat…

Gavin Newsom Wants To Be Joe Rogan

Gavin Newsom Wants To Be Joe Rogan

Funny thing happened on the trail of Gov. Hairgel’s run for President. Seems he took notice of podcaster extraordinaire Joe Rogan’s new media influence of 2024 and…

Keir Starmer Visits Trump At The White House

Keir Starmer Visits Trump At The White House

British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is visiting the White House today to discuss the Russian War on Ukraine and other subjects. Fortunately, for Starmer, he came…

Transgender Military Bans: Lethality Or Talent?

Transgender Military Bans: Lethality Or Talent?

While the left is throwing around economic boycotts for tomorrow “in protest” of Trump, some of the left are still focused on the transgender military “ban”.

Barnard College Admins Try “Gentle Parenting” Hamas Cosplayers

Barnard College Admins Try “Gentle Parenting” Hamas Cosplayers

There are no excuses left. Everyone knows exactly what Hamas is and what they stand for. Barnard College, however, after one moment of sanity, is now determined…

Unpopular Trump Recruited By KGB For Puppet Purposes?

Unpopular Trump Recruited By KGB For Puppet Purposes?

Two articles caught my attention this morning. The first one in USA Today posits that Donald “Trump is the most unpopular president in more than 70 years….

Tiffany Henyard, “Super Mayor,” Loses In Massive Landslide

Tiffany Henyard, “Super Mayor,” Loses In Massive Landslide

The antics and shenanigans of Mayor Tiffany Henyard of Dolton, Illinois, have been well documented for a while now.

Tapper Admits He Gaslit Everyone About Biden In New Book

Tapper Admits He Gaslit Everyone About Biden In New Book

Jake Tapper has written a new book. One that purports to uncover Joe Biden’s “Original Sin.” Here’s Penguin’s description:

Leavitt Ushers In Changing Of Press Guard In White House

Leavitt Ushers In Changing Of Press Guard In White House

The Trump White House press pool under Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt is shaping up to be a little less legacy.

“Grassroot” Astroturf Protests Against Trump, Musk & Doge

“Grassroot” Astroturf Protests Against Trump, Musk & Doge

Don’t get fooled again. They done it before and they will do it again. They are maybe doing it in a Conservative/Republic voting district near you. The…

Sex Chats And Opposing Trump Is What Spy Agencies Are Up To

Sex Chats And Opposing Trump Is What Spy Agencies Are Up To

In a word, EW. Apparently, the employees of the NSA, the CIA, and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) are very busy discussing their personal sex fetishes during…

MSNBC Shakeup: Maddow Virtue Signals While Collecting Paycheck

MSNBC Shakeup: Maddow Virtue Signals While Collecting Paycheck

As the MSNBC News Network implodes from within, Rachel Maddow had a few words to say about the recent firing of Joy Reid.

Dan Crenshaw Threatens Tucker And Other Rantings

Dan Crenshaw Threatens Tucker And Other Rantings

Once upon a time from the Free State of Texas, there came a new Congressman, a former Navy Seal who lost an eye from an explosive device….

James Carville Wishcrafts A Trump Administrative Collapse

James Carville Wishcrafts A Trump Administrative Collapse

Some of us (points to self) had almost forgotten that the “Old Serpent Head” existed. In case you haven’t heard, Cajun Prognosticator James Carville, a hired gun…

Ilhan: Americans Are Idiots Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Speak

Ilhan: Americans Are Idiots Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Speak

Ilhan Omar has now declared that Americans are stupid idiots who shouldn’t be allowed to speak. Part of the back story to this is the feud between…

Never Trumpers Gather to Celebrate Their Growing Irrelevancy

Never Trumpers Gather to Celebrate Their Growing Irrelevancy

The Never Trumpers are apparently still trying to hang on to the grift. They had a Summit a few days ago, apparently. The remaining Never Trumpers decided…

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Ava Gardner