Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

Another day ending in “y,” another day when Randi Weingarten proves that she’s an idiot who happens to be running one of the largest teachers’ unions in…

White House Gives Iran $10 Billion Reward For October 7

White House Gives Iran $10 Billion Reward For October 7

For Iran’s support of Hamas, the White House just awarded them another $10 billion dollars. Supposedly this reward will be for humanitarian purposes only.

Biden And Xi: What To Watch For

Biden And Xi: What To Watch For

San Francisco is busy transforming their trash-hole of a city ahead of the Asian-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) and Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese leader…

The Squad: We Know What Being Jewish Is And What A Ceasefire Means

The Squad: We Know What Being Jewish Is And What A Ceasefire Means

Every single time you think the Squad, the de facto Hamas Caucus of Congress, can’t sink any lower, they always manage to outdo themselves.

The Jewish Fight To Exist IS Our Fight To Exist

The Jewish Fight To Exist IS Our Fight To Exist

October 7, 2023, like September 11, 2001, was a wake up call that we are in an existential fight with an enemy who loves death. Two pieces…

Tim Scott Drops Out Of GOP Primary, Narrows The Field

Tim Scott Drops Out Of GOP Primary, Narrows The Field

Senator Tim Scott made official what had been obvious for a while now. He will not be elected president of the United States in 2024, and he…

Biden Frail Fails Are Inspiring Third Party Panicking

Biden Frail Fails Are Inspiring Third Party Panicking

There’s a reason why the words most associated with Joe Biden are “old” and “confused.”

Oregon’s Four Pillars Of Menstrual Dignity

Oregon’s Four Pillars Of Menstrual Dignity

Lawd ya’ll, I know it’s Sunday, and here I am writing about Oregon’s four pillars of menstrual dignity. My apologies right up front. But we need to…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Pro-Palestinian’s 1934 Nazi Aspirations

Pro-Palestinian’s 1934 Nazi Aspirations

It looks like the long-term grooming on Tik Tok and Instagram hasn’t been confined to the Transcult. As 2023’s Hitler Youth are in the street baying for…

Medical Schools Ignore Science In New DEI Endeavors

Medical Schools Ignore Science In New DEI Endeavors

In the heartland of America, Indiana University (IU)’s Medical School has now stated there are more than three genders and that men have “cervices”.

Democrats: The True Bullies In The Election Equation

Democrats: The True Bullies In The Election Equation

Some of you may have already seen some videos of a few unhinged Democrats over the years. The following is one of the more recent viral videos…

Anne Frank Name Will Stay On German Daycare

Anne Frank Name Will Stay On German Daycare

The city council of Tangerhütte is putting their foot down after a swirl of international media attention over removing the name of Anne Frank from their local…

Election 2023: Ohio Moves To The Social Left

Election 2023: Ohio Moves To The Social Left

I would ask what they are smoking in Ohio, but given the election results tonight, I think it’s fairly obvious.

Pro-Palestinians At The White House Gate

Pro-Palestinians At The White House Gate

Pro-Palestinians marched their way to the gates of the White House this weekend. And then proceeded to act like an insurrectionist by attempting to climb the wall…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Glamour Includes Man In Their List of Woman Of the Year, Again

Glamour Includes Man In Their List of Woman Of the Year, Again

Glamour is at it again. They’ve included another man in this year’s list of Woman of the Year. They also did this back in 2015 with Bruce…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner