Obama: the Constitution was written 20 centuries ago

Obama: the Constitution was written 20 centuries ago

Our super-genius savior president really, really respects the Constitution. And, let’s not forget that he’s a Constitutional scholar.

So where, then, did he get the idea that our Constitution is 20 centuries old?

Right, the Constitution for our 57 states is 20 centuries old.

Must have been written on the teleprompter — surely Obama never would’ve made such a mistake himself, right? Right?

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  • BobV says:

    Could it be that simple? Is this why liberals insist on labeling the constitution as dated, and instead prefer a “living breathing” document that can keep up with the times? Maybe they really believe it was written 2000 years ago. Many of them are the products of public schools after all.

  • Josh says:

    It’s not just Liberals, both “neocons” and “liberals” who almost exactly the same in voting record, rhetoric and stance on both domestic and foreign policies who are financed by banking oligarchs( Obama/McCain and Bush/Kerry), have raped this for long enough. Al it seems is that people are too busy pointing fingers to get anything done.

    It’s a fixed and rigged game.

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