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November 3, 2018
Former president Barack Obama has been competing with Trump’s rally machine to get Democrats excited to vote. He thinks Republicans are mad. But he is just wrong.Obama seems to have slipped into the realm of fantasy with the rest of the crazy Democrats. Republicans aren’t any more mad than usual, and in fact, they are probably feeling pretty good. Obama must have missed the Resistance, the pussy hats, the assassination porn, and Madonna talking about blowing up the White House. But no, it’s the Republicans who are mad?
"Why is it that the folks that won the last election are so mad all the time?" former Pres. Obama asks at Miami rally.
"When I won the presidency, at least my side felt pretty good."
— ABC News (@ABC) November 2, 2018
His “side” – there he goes dividing the country again – is the side that is now rampaging through America committing violence, detraction and intimidation, and calling that legitimate protest. His side is the one constantly poking Trump, edging up the rhetoric. It takes two to tango, and his side is a happy dancer in this game.
Most Americans, not only Republicans, seem pretty happy with the state of the union. It’s only his “side” whose heads are in perpetual explode mode. But when Obama keeps gaslighting his followers with quips like this, it’s hardly their fault.
“When words stop meaning something, when truth doesn’t matter, when people can just lie with abandon, democracy can’t work.”
Obama is such a joker, he thinks he is the authority on integrity. Because, if you like your doctor….
“I’m assuming that they recognize that a president doesn’t get to decide on his who’s an American citizen and who’s not. That’s not how the Constitution of the United States works. That’s not how the Bill of Rights works. That’s not how our democracy works.”
What the American people recognize is that the lauded Constitutional law “professor” is the one who doesn’t know how democracy works, nor does his “side” know how it works since they haven’t stopped caterwauling about the Electoral College for two years. Sorry, demz ‘da rulez.
“I do have to make this point because right now, Republicans are all, look, the economy is so good. Where do you think that started,” he posed. “When did that start?”
It’s good he recognizes the buoyant economy, but what kind of megalomaniac tries to credit for someone else’s work? And the media said Trump is obsessed with himself? Obama is a desperate soul.
Speaking of souls, he wants to get them to the polls. Does he see dead people?
“You get some souls to the polls,” he urged. “Let’s make history happen right here in Florida. Let’s get to work. Let’s go vote.”
Probably just an unfortunate turn of phrase, it’s not like dead people can vote.
“The values that bind us to your fellow citizens matter who we are, no matter what we look like, that’s what Americans do,” he said.
No matter what we look like? What if we don’t look like the son he never had, Trayvon Martin?
He’s incoherent and out of touch. Where the anger lies is on the Left, and with a complicit media, America is being fed a constant diet of lies and hate. But at some point Americans stopped believing the lies, and turned away from the hate. To quote Obama, “Where do you think that started? When did that start?” About 2016.
Featured photo: Al Diaz/Miami Herald/Getty Images (campaign rally in Miami at Ice Palace Films Studios, Nov. 2, 2018)
He thinks Republicans are mad. But he is just wrong.
I disagree. I’ve been hopping mad for a long time, and this is partly why:
the Resistance, the pussy hats, the assassination porn, and Madonna talking about blowing up the White House
Along with the attempted borking of Kavanaugh, the un-Constitutional powers the national gov’t has accrued to itself, the bailing out of companies, and a whole crapload of other things that have stolen our money and property and reduced our freedom. And that’s just during 0bama’s administration.
When words stop meaning something, when truth doesn’t matter, … democracy can’t work.
Ummm, dude, you just described post-modern thought, which is entirely a progressive phenomenon. And that it destroys democracy (really, it destroys self-governance, which destroys self-rule) is something conservatives have been saying for FOUR DECADES at least, now.
His “side” … is the side that is now rampaging through America committing violence, detraction and intimidation
Though, yes, while I’m mad (mad enough to be keeping my powder dry), I’m not the one actually committing politics by violence and extortion.
(I would love to see someone file a charge against some of these folks for extortion – maybe Susan Collins (~ – ME). If someone is demanding you vote a certain way as an elected official, or they will threaten you and drive you from the public square, that’s EXTORTION.)
a president doesn’t get to decide on his who’s an American citizen and who’s not
Exactly. So, who had “a pen and a phone”? Who unilaterally decided certain people illegally in the US would get a pass? A shot at citizenry, even? Seems you’re admitting you violated your oath. Is that prosecutable, now? I’m asking for a friend.
Where do you think that started
It started with what we built. And then it was allowed to really get going when you got out of the f*ing way.
what kind of megalomaniac tries to [take] credit for someone else’s work?
Well, there normally is a lag factor for presidential policies and laws. He’s slinging about a well-known concept.
However, none of his policies can be said to have the sort of effects we’re seeing in the economy. There’s no way he started this ball rolling because his policies were actively holding it back.
You get some souls to the polls
Oh dear, he’s trying to act like a redneck (in Thomas Sowell’s description thereof) and preach like a pentecostal. See, “souls” and “polls” rhymes. It’s part of the shtick. Since he was born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia, and went to an Ivy school, isn’t that “cultural appropriation”? It’s about as bad as Hillary’s attempt at a black southern accent.
America is being fed a constant diet of lies and hate.
Yeah, and that’s why I am mad.
I have to partially agree with Obama. If his economic policies weren’t so bad, President Trumps wouldn’t look so good. Thank you Obama.
Translation: Obama: “Everything we do wrong is the fault of the Republicans. Everything the Republicans do right is because of me!”
WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. This fool doesn’t even know what kind of government we have or how it works. No wonder his eight years were such a failure.
We do not live in a fucking democracy! ‘Democracy’ is MOB rule!
Obama lies about lying…nothing he says is believable…even when he’s challenged on his lies, he lies…example:
“you can keep your doctor”……..false, but when challenged on it he said, ” when I said that, I wasn’t being completely accurate”…No, you weren’t being accurate you were lying.……, in other words he flat out lied, and he’s been lying about everything since. He is a disgusting human being.
I have to partially agree with Obama. If his economic policies weren’t so bad, President Trumps numbers wouldn’t be so good. Thanks, Obama
This guy is very incoherent and sloppy in his impromptu speeches to the masses of dems. too ignorant to understand what he is selling!….I hope!!!!! This larry o is still a LIAR!!!!!!!……..‼️
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