Obama Gave Birth To Democrats’ Current Corruption

Obama Gave Birth To Democrats’ Current Corruption

Obama Gave Birth To Democrats’ Current Corruption

Barack Obama has been gone from the Presidency now for six and a half years. The damage he has done to our institutions will redound for decades to come. Still the Lightbringer (Obama) aka No Drama Obama and his acolytes proclaim that he had a scandal free Presidency. The worst scandals of his Reign were when he used a selfie-stick and when he wore a tan suit, instead of the Presidential dark gray or navy:

How lucky was Barry never to have any adversarial reporters? He had only Court Scribes who recorded his every word as received wisdom. Because I am an evil Right-wing nut job, I remember Obama’s time in charge as giving birth to the corrupt departments we now see. Remember?

Operation Fast & Furious:

Ten years ago, America learned about one of the Obama administration’s dumbest ideas–and that is saying a lot–when the scandal surrounding their failed “Operation Fast and Furious” finally got too big for the mainstream media to ignore. As near as we can tell, the administration’s plan was to sell as many firearms as possible to the Mexican cartels, immediately lose track of them, and then blame any resulting bloodshed on America’s “lax gun laws.” As more and more information came out–for example, the fact that one of the Operation Fast and Furious guns was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol agent–the harder the Obama/Biden administration pushed to bury it in hopes it would be forgotten. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) hasn’t forgotten, and neither should we.
After all, the very same man who signed off on this bloody gun running scandal is now running for President, and he has already made it very clear that, if elected, America is in for four more years of this same type of action. It’s time to hold Biden’s and Obama’s feet to the fire for some answers…and if they don’t think Americans deserve those answers, maybe they’ll agree that Mexico does.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a cartel member using a Fast & Furious firearm. The Republicans held hearings and did nothing, per usual. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex memory-holed this scandal. The Department of Justice was politicized.

Lois Lerner And The Tea Party

It’s hard to say who is the Father of the Tea Party, but George W. Bush continued some disastrous fiscal policies from the Clinton years and a CNBC host, Rick Santelli, called for a modern Tea Party. We’ll go with that. The Tea Party Movement grew from grassroots and soon became the Queen of political coffee talk. The Obama Regime would brook no opposition to the stated goals of the “fundamental transformation” of America, enter Lois Lerner:

Remember the scandal that erupted in 2013 when the IRS was found to be targeting conservative organizations for harassment? President Barack Obama called such conduct “outrageous.” “There’s no place for it,” he added, and assured the public that “[the IRS] have to be held fully accountable.”
And then nothing happened.

Obama took no action, and his handpicked IRS commissioner, John Koskinen, simply stonewalled congressional investigations. Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS unit at the heart of the scandal, retired with a full pension, and no disciplinary action was taken against any IRS employee.
Finally, last October, the IRS signed a consent decree in federal court in which it admitted to targeting conservative organizations for more than two years, from 2010 through 2013. It confessed that:
its treatment of [conservative organizations] during the tax-exempt determinations process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding of some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA [U.S. Treasury Inspector General, Tax Administration] determined was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status, was wrong.

You know who else went after the Tea Party? The current Trump Persecutor Jack Smith:

Republicans held hearings and did nothing, as usual. Treasury Department weaponized.


Under Obama the Lightbringer, White Supremacist, Racist Terrorists became the numero uno threat to “muh democracy”. Victory Girls’ own Deanna just posted this a few hours ago:

“FBI Admits It Has Lots Of Documents About Targeting Christians”. Don’t look surprised. You know those Christians probably have been Tea Party members for years.

FBI politicized.

Obama Spied on Trump

Remember when Donald Trump said he was “wiretapped”? Everyone laughed, including me.

Except Trump was too right. Obama had the agencies spy on Trump and the corruptocrat Biden knew:

The Washington press corps seems engaged in a collective demonstration of the legal concept of willful blindness, or deliberately ignoring the facts, following the release of yet another declassified document which directly refutes prior statements about the investigation into Russia collusion. The document shows that FBI officials used a national security briefing of then candidate Donald Trump and his top aides to gather possible evidence for Crossfire Hurricane, its code name for the Russia investigation.
It is astonishing that the media refuses to see what is one of the biggest stories in decades. The Obama administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence. The media covered Obama administration officials ridiculing the suggestions of spying on the Trump campaign and of improper conduct with the Russia investigation. When Attorney General William Barr told the Senate last year that he believed spying did occur, he was lambasted in the media, including by James Comey and others involved in that investigation. The mocking “wow” response of the fired FBI director received extensive coverage.

Willful blindness or Useful Idiot Court Scribes.

All the cretins as the tops of departments undermining Donald Trump and going after citizens were seeded there by and for Barack Obama. The Biden Corruption leads straight to Obama. No drama, indeed.

Featured Image: DonkeyHotey/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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