New York’s New Soup Nazi

New York’s New Soup Nazi

New York’s New Soup Nazi

Back in the day, I would enjoy a lunch at one of New York’s Kosher eateries with my friend, Devorah. We would laugh about Seinfeld’s “soup nazi” over a falafel and yes, soup.

Flash forward 28 years to Joe Biden’s version of America where a chick with fake platinum blonde locks gets away with walking into one of these eateries and causing destruction in the name of our hatred, anti-semitism and pure ignorance.

The incident occurred at Hummus Kitchen on Second Avenue, between 83rd and 84th streets on New York’s Upper East Side. The woman orders soup, throws it on an employee and then, attempts to take down the Israeli/American flag while kicking in tables, knocking down tables, call the police, there’s a madwoman around…

When filmed, the (fake) blonde bigot (I call “cultural appropriation” here) hammed it up for the camera while flipping off onlookers:

Record me, b#tch! Recording me? I’m cute, right?”

Luckily, the Internet is forever. It’s time for VG’s edition of “Make This Dumba$$ Famous”. Who is New York’s Soup Nazi of 2023? Ladies and Gents, I bring you Mayra Teke of Paterson, New Jersey.

Classy AF.

She seems nice. Well-adjusted. But she is another failed attempt at Kardashian-ness, if you ask me. Why do these girls always look the same? Fake hair, fake lashes, overdone lip-fillers and who knows what-else is fake? I’m not one to point towards someone’s physical appearance but in all honesty, there is nothing cerebral between those ears of hers, so I am left with just looks to go on.

Of course, the chicken-$hit New York New Soup Nazi, Mayra Teke removed herself from all social media platforms because that is what chicken-$hit people do when they come under fire for doing stupid things. Again, I will say, God bless the Internet.

Ironic and a coincidence that Ms. Teke is from Paterson? I think not. Any one from Jersey remembers the stories of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks. The stories are now largely buried by newsfeeds as “fictionalized accounts of Donald Trump” but those who live through this know the truth. These claims were “outrageous”, they say. But, were they?

The FBI investigation into the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon has led agents back to a familiar area: northern New Jersey.

It was there, in Jersey City, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, that a Muslim cell plotted the 1993 bombing of the twin towers and sought to destroy other New York landmarks as part of an urban guerrilla war against the United States.”-Serge F. Kovaleski and Fredrick Kunkle, The Washington Post

Jersey City=northern New Jersey. Paterson=Northern New Jersey. Coinky-Dink? I don’t think so…

Investigators said at least two of the hijackers, Nawaq Al Hamzi and Salem Al Hamzi, are believed to have had addresses in Wayne and Fort Lee. They apparently rented a mail box in Fort Lee, at Mail Boxes Etc.

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.”-Serge F. Kovaleski and Fredrick Kunkle, The Washington Post

The Internet is forever. But sure, “fact-checkers”, in mama’s basement. Scrub away. Back to the New York Soup Nazi, Mayra Teke:

Assuming Mayra Teke is in her mid-to-late twenties, she was just a wee-young, innocent child when 9/11 happened. This level of hatred is learned somewhere. We can thank hateful parents who have filled their youngsters’ minds of what to believe, what not to believe and plant hatred in their hearts during their formative years. We can throw a nod to the public school systems and institutions of higher learning who regurgitate the hate and reinforce the stereotypes. We can look around at adults in the community-other family members, clubs, organizations, educational, religious, or otherwise-throwing around their ideologies. We can look to our entertainment icons-to include the Kardashians-an entitled, vapid group of young people who have, for all intents and purposes, shaped a generation of superficial, self-absorbed, duck-lipped, mindless, self-loathing, miserable people who follow a script because they can’t think for themselves who are attached to their one and only BFF, their cell phone. Okay, I lied. Maybe they find another BFF in their plastic surgeon. And, I am sorry, not sorry for this opinion.

It makes me wonder if people like this are even able to locate Gaza on the map. Doesn’t matter when you think you’re “cute” and throw soup, right Mayra? The police may catch and will then release her if they haven’t done so already but I have a few suggestions. 1) Go support Hummus Kitchen if you can. And 2) The next time this life-sized Bratz Doll is channeling her inner Snuffleupagus at the lash salon, glue her eyes shut. Then, transport her, her uncovered head (of fake hair) and her “modest dress” to Gaza and let Hamas be the judge of her.

I’m sure they would also think she is real “cute”. Precious, in fact.

Photo Credit: HotAir Readers!

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  • Scott says:

    ” And 2) The next time this life-sized Bratz Doll is channeling her inner Snuffleupagus at the lash salon, glue her eyes shut. Then, transport her, her uncovered head (of fake hair) and her “modest dress” to Gaza and let Hamas be the judge of her.”.. I LIKE the way you think Lisa!

    As for the muslims celebrating on 9/11. They all should have lost their citizenship (if they even had it) and been immediately dropped off in the most convenient muslim country available (preferably WITHOUT a parachute!)

  • Plumber Mike says:

    I’ll pay for her flight to Gaza. Let her be with her kind.

  • NTSOG says:

    I’m afraid I don’t speak simpering Woke. What did she say when she first opened the door and acted all ‘cutesy’? Does she have a speech impairment?

    Whatever she did say she is quite revolting.

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Hey, I like Snuffleupaguses! They are quite conservative!

  • Paris says:

    She deserves far worse than what the hostaged females attending the Nova musc festival experienced. If she hangs around with BLM and Antifa long enough, she’ll probably get it. Don’t come complainin to the civilized world for help when it happens to you, B!

  • GWB says:

    Go support Hummus Kitchen if you can.
    Sorry, but I’ve avoided NYC for decades. Precisely because it’s full of New Yorkers. (Apologies to my two friends who are actually New Yorkers, and decent people.)

    This is the sort of behavior that used to get immediate, painful, negative feedback. But we don’t dare enforce morals or the law now – that’s the “professionals'” job. A couple of burly men should have simply picked her up at the first sign of discord, and “escorted” her outside and thrown her into the street.

  • Lukas says:

    Just another bigot of Islamist background. And Paterson NJ is heavily Arab especially Arabs who call themselves “Palestinian “.

    AKA Racism.

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