New Mexico Sheriff Tells Off Governor For Unconstitutional Gun Ban

New Mexico Sheriff Tells Off Governor For Unconstitutional Gun Ban

New Mexico Sheriff Tells Off Governor For Unconstitutional Gun Ban

Apparently, no one in New Mexico wants to stand with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and her “emergency health order” that is attempting to ban open and concealed carry.

We have already seen Democrats stand up and tell the governor that this isn’t legal. She isn’t listening.

Well, being alone in Crazytown seems to suit Governor Lujan Grisham just fine. Not only have the lawsuits begun, the people of New Mexico decided to stand up and say NO to her on Sunday. There was a nice rally of open carrying protestors in Albuquerque on Sunday. Shockingly, even with all those guns present, not a single person got hurt! Wow!

More than a hundred people openly carried their guns in Old Town as they protested Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s recent controversial move on firearms.

“We’re not here to cause any issues. We’re just here to you know, express our amendment rights. And, you know, we’ll go from there,” said Derek J. a gun owner.

This was a rally against part of Lujan Grisham’s public health emergency on gun violence. Specifically, the part where she banned carrying guns – either through open or concealed carry permits – in Bernalillo County and the City of Albuquerque for 30 days.

“No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute. There are restrictions on free speech, there are restrictions on my freedoms,” said Lujan Grisham Friday.

“My jaw dropped for a Second Amendment to be suspended. It’s, it’s unconstitutional, we gotta put it that way. A lot of people here feel the same way,” said Derek.

Hilariously, Lujan Grisham had tasked the state police with enforcing her ban, because she knew that she had zero support from other law enforcement. And it doesn’t look like the state police is particularly sanguine about enforcing it either, as NO CITATIONS were handed out at Sunday’s rally, per local news sources. The governor also has no support from the Bernalillo County District Attorney, Sam Bregman (a Democrat), who has said HE won’t enforce her order either, calling it “clearly unconstitutional.”

And today, the sheriff of Bernalillo County, where this unconstitutional order is supposedly in effect, let the governor have it. Not only did Sheriff John Allen refuse to enforce her gun ban, he called her out for making his job and his deputies’ job harder with this order.

The sheriff in New Mexico’s largest metro area vowed Monday not to enforce an emergency order by the governor to temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in public in and around the city of Albuquerque.

“It’s unconstitutional, so there’s no way we can enforce that order,” Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said during a news conference. “This ban does nothing to curb gun violence.”

Allen on Monday alluded again to concerns he expressed in a statement late Friday about putting deputies at risk if they sought to arrest people with guns.

“I do not want to have political violence towards my deputies or here in Bernalillo County,” he said. “I have enough violence here.”

Allen said the governor, who was meeting with top law enforcement officials on Friday, sprung on them news of her plan just moments before her news conference. He said he was both shocked and irritated, after law enforcement officials had warned the governor not to go through with it.

The sheriff also called for a special session for the legislature to Do Something™ about gun violence, which is always the default go-to position for big government liberals. Just the right law would fix the problem!, they claim. They always focus on the tool, not the person using it. Sheriff Allen and District Attorney Bregman, at least, are focused on the criminals – for the moment.

Well, maybe there should be a special session in the New Mexico legislature – for impeachment proceedings.

State Reps. Stefani Lord and John Block addressed growing calls for Lujan Grisham’s ousting after she temporarily suspended open and concealed carry laws in Bernalillo County for at least 30 days, starting Sept. 8, under an emergency health order.

The lawmakers said during “Fox & Friends” the effort could garner Democrats’ support amid bipartisan criticism.

“I was completely shocked that rather than addressing the crime issue at its core, the governor decided to go ahead and go rogue and restrict law-abiding citizens from owning their guns,” Lord told Brian Kilmeade Monday. “And for those of you that don’t know, we have an extremely tyrannical governor that has destroyed our beautiful state with her failed policies.”

“Our crime is out of control. We have fentanyl death as an epidemic. Homeless are living on the street. We have a revolving door for crime. They’re out in our communities. Were ranked the worst in education, health care and crime. We’re the worst or worst on all the lists, and just when we thought she could not get any worse, she went completely rogue, said, ‘Hold my beer,’ and I’m going to illegally ban guns for 30 days,” she continued.

“And I don’t know if she’s either willfully defiant or does not have the mental capacity to understand the Constitution and her oath, but either way, she’s unfit for office.”

Lujan Grisham, through her press secretary, says she is “prepared to fight challenges to her decision.” Looks like she’s going to be fighting those challenges alone.

But the truth is, Governor Lujan Grisham isn’t really alone. The authoritarian left pushed the boundaries to try and discover how much control the public would allow them during COVID-19 under the guise of a “public health emergency.” The answer, sadly, was A LOT, aided and abetted by too many on the right who just wanted to “unify” and “be all in this together” to work toward a common goal, while failing to see that those who proclaimed themselves the prophets of SCIENCE had ulterior motives in mind. One gets the feeling that Democrats aren’t opposing Michelle Lujan Grisham because they disagree with her tactics – they’re opposing her because she let the cat out of the bag too early. As a result, they will sacrifice her political goals in order to save their own careers. She’s probably madder than hell at them in behind the scenes communications – she likely really thought they would have her back on this one.

The lawsuits must proceed, and that impeachment better get some teeth in order to nip this bullshit in the bud. The authoritarians in government aren’t going away – they’re just biding their time. Lujan Grisham just showed the cards too soon.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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