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Erstwhile scientist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, strayed out of his lane of expertise … yet again … to weigh in with his Deep Thoughts about Queer Gender Theory. And it’s more disturbing than you may imagine. Astrophysicist, you say?
The amount of mental gymnastics Neil DeGrasse Tyson is performing to validate gender ideology is appalling and disappointing.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 31, 2023
It isn’t just jaw dropping how much false assumption, question begging and mocking caricatures can be shoved into a 1:12 minute video … and I’ll get to that shortly … it’s that Neil decides to go to the toxic angry male stance, including handwaving and finger-pointing, in order to intimidate rather than persuade.
Screw any debate, Neil will have none of your dissent and, indeed, you are required to avert your eyes and keep your mouth shut.
Real Man of Science, eh?
“XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient” — They certainly are sufficient in establishing the sexual dimorphism of mammals. It is the reproductive strategy of homo sapiens since they first appeared. It’s a foundational reality, that there are two sexes and they are immutable regardless of all the handwaving about clown fish and earthworms.
But Neil pivots to gender with some weird performance criteria about the feelz we wake up with. Oooo…I woke up today feeling 80% female so, dude, where’s my lipstick? Failed gay actor Dylan Mulvaney parlayed that conceit into a wildly lucrative career (pace Bud-Lite).
Neil has said before he considers SCIENCE! is real only when it is supported by consensus, not pedigree. So ladies? Just because you’re actual women doesn’t mean a man can’t also be a women when enough of the Best And Very Important People, and institutions, all say it’s true.
This is where Neil gets a little scary because he goes from mere mocking of Queer dissenters to intimidation tactics that are clearly reminiscent of domestic abusers everywhere.
Why do you care? he shouts while leaning into the camera and pointing his finger, What business is it of yours? then he pivots with the same aggressive body language to dismiss everyone who objects to Transgender Ideology as having an “inability to think of gender on a spectrum.”
No, Neil. It isn’t us who confuses lipstick wearing with SEX. And even at that, we don’t care one iota about what you wear.
But rational people will care if you decide your 80% female morning allows you to go into a girls’ locker room and wave your penis around while watching them undress.
Neil may have been absolved of past sexual harassment charges, but this aggressive nonsense in service of the abuse of women and the mutilation of children has got to make you wonder if there are other unnoticed fires from that smoke.
featured image, original artwork by Darleen Click
Erstwhile scientist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, strayed out of his lane of expertise … yet again
Wait, he has a lane of expertise? Since when? (I’ve never found him to be a particularly competent astrophysicist.)
you are required to avert your eyes and keep your mouth shut
See what I mean?
Why do you care?
Well, reality, for one….
If we aren’t dealing with reality, then science is of zero benefit to me. It’s nothing more than a witch doctor in a white lab coat instead of a bone through their nose. (And you can find both in the same person, nowadays.)
What business is it of yours?
Absolutely none. Until you pervert yourself in front of my or someone else’s child. Or try to pervert their minds with your ideology. Then it’s my business. And it’s my business to put you down at that point. You whip it out in front of my wife and I expect her to shoot it off (or maybe just point and laugh) or to at least drive it so far up in your body you won’t need a lopadickoffame. And if she can’t then I will.
Tyson needs to be purged from society, along with all his other “Shut up and do what we say because we’re SCIENTISTS!” ilk. And their followers need to have their privilege to vote revoked.
So the affirmative action planetarium manager is speaking again.
Why do you care? he shouts while leaning into the camera and pointing his finger
Because women fought for a long time for equality and their own spaces and now they have to accept that some dude in a dress with surgery is one of them. And if they refuse to do what men say, they get attacked.
If a man can put on makeup and a wig and become a woman then a white man can put on makeup and become a black man.
I delivered babies for 30 years.
I promise I didn’t “assign” gender to any of the kids I delivered.
Oh, c’mon! Admit that you judged them entirely by their external appearance! Well, that, and maybe their DNA. 😉