Let me start this post by announcing that I am in no way diminishing the evil that the Nazis unleashed in Europe. My father, who volunteered for service in World War II, flew 50 missions on a B-17 bomber, pulverizing munitions plants and refineries of the Third Reich. For that I’ve always been proud. He told me, “We had to get rid of Hitler. He was a horrible son-of-a-gun” (ever the gentleman, he didn’t use “sonofabitch” in front of his daughter.)
I also remember as a kid seeing a man sitting in a booth in a diner my parents liked to frequent. He was an older man in conversation with another person. Nothing unusual there, except I saw a series of tattooed numbers on one of his wrists. When I asked my mother if he was a Jewish concentration camp survivor she confirmed that he probably was.
So yes, like most of my generation, I grew up understanding that Nazis were monsters (along with the Russian Soviets.)
But in light of the recent massacre of Israelis by Hamas on October 7, the inevitable comparison to the Reich ensued. And as horrendous as the Nazis were, Hamas is even worse.
So said the brilliant British author and journalist Douglas Murray. He told Piers Morgan why in an interview earlier this month.
Now Andrew Roberts, a member of the British House of Lords, expanded upon Murray’s opinion in an essay from the Free Beacon.
In his essay, Roberts wrote that his former publisher, Lord George Weidenfeld, knew the depravity of the Nazis. Weidenfeld, an Austrian Jew, managed to escape from Vienna in 1938 after the Anschluss. He was also able to save his immediate family. But he had other relatives who perished in the Holocaust.
He also spent World War II broadcasting to the Reich from the BBC, and after the war published the memoirs of Albert Speer. So Weidenfeld had firsthand knowledge of what made Nazis tick.
Yet Roberts recalled that some ten years ago, over tea, Weidenfeld pronounced that there were worse antisemites than the Nazis:
George said, “There are people who are worse anti-Semites than the Nazis.” He went on to explain why al Qaeda, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, although of course not as genocidal on the same physical scale as the Nazis, were qualitatively worse than the Nazis in their belief systems, impulses, and instincts.
Lord Weidenfeld died in 2016, but his predictions came true. Roberts wrote:
For whereas the Nazis went to great lengths to hide their crimes from the world, because they knew they were crimes, Hamas has done the exact opposite, because they do not consider them to be so ….
By total contrast, the Hamas killers 80 years later attached GoPro cameras to their helmets so they could livestream their atrocities over social media. Although the Nazis burnt Jews alive in barns on their retreat in 1945, they did not film themselves doing it. There are plenty of photographs of Nazis standing around death-pits full of Jewish corpses, but these were taken for private delectation rather than public consumption.
Moreover, Netflix recently dropped a documentary detailing how German police were conditioned to murder Jews. Called Ordinary Men: The Forgotten Holocaust, the doc tries to answer the question as to how average men — who may have been avoiding conscription — volunteered to become policemen and then murdered Jews in eastern Europe.
It took time and conditioning for them to commit atrocities. Were they monsters? Alan Zeitlan, a reviewer for The Algemeiner, declares them to be so. However, Dónal Lynch at Irish Independent disagrees with that label. Eighty years on, and with all the participants dead, it’s difficult to say. In the end, their crimes were the result of extensive brainwashing.
But there is no question about Hamas. As Roberts noted, Their lust for torturing and murdering Jews was therefore even more powerful than the Nazis’… They teach their children the joys of slaughtering Jews. Yet they have no compunction about placing those same children into harms way to serve as human shields.
Remember how Millennials called everyone they didn’t like a Nazi? George W. Bush was “Bushitler.” Later Donald Trump was even worse — a totally depraved Nazi, and still is, according to the media.
But now it’s fashionable among privileged young adults — largely white women — to condemn Israel and support Hamas and its control over Gaza. My husband and I recently saw this protest block a major road in Liverpool, UK.
Personal image.
In short, these dunces are allying themselves with the Nazis of old in their desire to eradicate Israel and Jews. Their chant “from the river to the sea” gives voice to an evil that belies Rashida Tlaib’s fiction that the slogan calls for “freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence.”
But why should they know better? Young adults are widely separated from the World War II generation. They also have very little knowledge of history. And what they do know is often fed to them on their college campuses, which are fueled by big bucks from Middle Eastern donors.
And then there’s the mainstream media, which carries water for Hamas.
The biggest difference between the Germans of old and the New Wave Nazis among young adults is one thing: religion. Germans were antisemitic, yes — antisemitism had been a feature, not a bug, in Europe for centuries. But as historian Ian Kershaw wrote in his book Hitler, The Germans and the Final Solution, the authors of the Final Solution had to keep it secret:
The very secrecy of the Final Solution demonstrates more clearly than anything else the fact that the Nazi leadership felt it could not rely on popular backing for its exterminationist policy.
Most Germans would’ve grown up in the Christian faith. It’s one reason why Hitler would often take publicity photos outside churches, even though he loathed Christianity. That faith also led Germans like Oskar Schindler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Claus von Stauffenberg, and Hans and Sophie Scholl to oppose the Third Reich — with Schindler being the only one to escape execution.
The Nazi leadership were completely depraved and wicked humans — not only the men, but their wives as well. Yet they knew they had to conceal their crimes from a culture for whom mass genocide would be abhorrent. They had to condition participants into carrying out savageries.
Hamas killers, however, experience no such stabs of conscience. And siding with them are the nonreligious know-nothings of Generation Z.
Featured image: Collage by Brand X Studio. Fars Media Corporation/CC BY 4.0. Bundesarchiv, Bild 192-111 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Ask a Progressive who Hitler would support, kind of a WWHD. Don’t wait for their answer because we already know it. Just whip out a picture of Hitler chatting with the Mufti. Al Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian Arab culture. The reason Arafat got selected by the KGB to lead the newly established PLO was because he was the Mufti’s nephew and it gave instant credibility.
The rise of critical theory in the west insidiously introduced National Socialist ideology under a thin veneer of communism. The Frankfort school called themselves Marxists but they came from the same socio-political and cultural milieu that produced the Nazis. Their major influencers were Nietzsche and Heidegger. Their nod to Karl Marx was more a matter of the German philosophical tradition than true allegiance to Das Kapital.
Progressives have embraced the same eliminationist antisemitism as the Third Reich because they are descends of Hitler and his merry men.
I would suggest that you find a translation of “Zur Judenfrage” (“On the Jewish Question”). Karl Marx, author and nutcase.
The Frankfort School were exactly following in Karl’s footsteps – including virulent anti-Hebrew hatred.
(Note, I do not use “anti-Semite” – the sociopaths of Hamas are just as Semitic as those they glory in murdering.)
What we have here is a failure to teach history. Teach history accurately, truthfully, unsanitized. Teach the good, the bad, the horrible. Life shouldn’t be a series of reruns. Evil has to be destroyed, it cannot be changed.
Per Voltaire:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.
“… Nazis were monsters (along with the Russian Soviets.)”
Token mention as it is, thank you for that. All we ever hear is Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler.
Yet Stalin was as bad or worse than Hitler. Most people today don’t know of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. Hitler and Stalin agreed on how they were going to divide up eastern Europe. Shortly after Hitler invaded Poland, Stalin also invaded Poland and then kept going to Finland, the Baltic states, etc.
Yet somehow Stalin being subsequently stabbed in the back by Hitler suddenly made Stalin one of the good guys. And yet the US was allied with the Soviets and FDR and Stalin appeared to be BFFs. That makes the US complicit in what Stalin did.
And I’m old enough to remember what is a “refusenik” and the campaign to “Save Soviet Jews”.
the Nazis went to great lengths to hide their crimes from the world, because they knew they were crimes, Hamas has done the exact opposite, because they do not consider them to be so
I would disagree slightly. The NAZIs knew what they were doing was against the morals with which they had been raised, and which permeated the countries against whom they were arrayed. It’s not that the Palestinians are less hampered by that moral consideration, but that the moral consideration has changed, such that their actions are now acceptable among the nations. This isn’t so much because the Palestinians are worse than NAZIs, so much as the rest of the world is now closer to the NAZIs’ morals than they used to be. Thank Progressivism for that.
Were they monsters?
If they were, for simply trying to avoid becoming one of the outcasts (at a minimum), then others had best start figuring out which principles for which they’re actually willing to suffer and die. I know the principles to which I’m dedicated, and those are not open to compromise. I’m not saying they weren’t – cowards, IMO, for the most part, at best – but saying those casting stones had better be prepared to back up their boldness when they come for tomorrow’s witches.
They also have very little knowledge of history.
And even less of Christian morals. Which is one of the only places where you can stand and consistently call Hamas’ actions evil. But Christian morals are a package deal, and Progressives threw them out so they could be perverts in peace.
Most Germans would’ve grown up in the Christian faith.
I would rather say “Most Germans grew up in Christian churches.” A great number of Germans were no more Christian than loads of Americans who attend a church some Sundays that calls itself Christian. The faith was not there, at least not in God and Christ and their law and grace. But there is a great distance to fall once any culture becomes thoroughly Christian, and the Germans weren’t quite done with theirs, yet. And that legacy was what prevented the NAZIs being more public about their Final Solution.
And siding with them are the nonreligious know-nothings of Generation Z.
It’s not that they know nothing (though they do know very little of fact or truth), but that they are believers in a religion – Progressivism – that goes against reality and the very concept of human nature. And they will believe what their priests (educators, ‘experts’) and prophets (media, ‘news’) tell them, even if internal contradictions exist.
Thanks, Kim.