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oh great. apparently the body scanners at airports that take somewhat revealing shots of the human body are against islamic teachings on decency and modesty. leaders in the fiqh council of north america are recommending that muslims traveling choose a pat-down instead.
“It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” FCNA explained. The group noted that Islam emphasizes modesty, considering it part of the faith. “The Qur’an has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts” and to be modest in their dress.
the scanners are there for a reason and to my knowledge, it hasn’t been for those crazy christian extremists who want to rid the world of infidels.
I know you are not suggesting by your snide sarcasm that Muslims are terrorists.
Then you’re pretty damn dim, PenniePan, cuz it sure as hell isn’t Christians strapping bombs to their crotches and hitching a ride to the mid-east, is it?
Frankly I am not wild about the body image scanners myself but I am less wild about muslim terrorists blowing up my plane. Pennie? You are an idiot.
It is to laugh – “cover their private parts”.
Yeah, how did that work out for the eunuch bomber?
Please – if it looks like, walks like and sounds like a duck – it’s a muslim terrorist. If they don’t like the body scanners, then they could stop traveling.
Which, may not be such a bad thing.
I don’t give a Rats ass if they never fly again. Good, keep your sorry asses off US airplanes then…Sick of everyone being so PC. Islam = ALL the terrorism against the US. Doesn’t take a brain trust to figure that one out!!
You people are ignorant Islamophob’s!!! We have law abiding Muslim citizens who live here under the same “Freedom of Religion” that you do. I get sick to death of how all of you characterize terrorists as Muslims and then want to restrict their liberties. This smacks of WW2 and the Japanese Americans. (Now please all of you shout a collective “Thanks W!)
You wouldn’t feel the same if it were you now would you? Also, since when do we not want Muslims in this country? They own a good deal of it including where I live which is FL. They also spend quite a bit here which is good for our economy. Next you’ll say the only good Muslim is a dead one.
These scanners violate basic human rights and are also dangerous. I guess conservatives missed the whole thing about those who give up essential liberty for temporary security will get neither liberty nor security. Stop being scared by the liars in DC and on Fox News. Police murder more Americans each year than terrorists. An onboard terrorist has NEVER blown up an American airplane with a bomb. Grow a spine and stop bowing down to the criminals in DC, cowards.
“These scanners violate basic human rights and are also dangerous.”
Please expand on that Jon. Please tell me HOW these scanners endanger me and violate my rights. Be specific.
“I guess conservatives missed the whole thing about those who give up essential liberty for temporary security will get neither liberty nor security.”
Again, please explain how I am giving up “essential liberty” by going through a safety scanner. Dazzle me with your brilliance.
“Stop being scared by the liars in DC and on Fox News.”
Liars in D.C.? You mean Obama? Agreed! Funny to watch you accuse Conservatives of being paranoid, then display paranois about Fox news. Liberals are such studies in hypocrisy.
“Police murder more Americans each year than terrorists.”
As a police officer I must say that that is one of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever read. Take a bow, becaue we have had some extremely stupid things said on here.
“An onboard terrorist has NEVER blown up an American airplane with a bomb.”
It’s not from lack of trying, genius. They are STILL trying to blow up planes with bombs, get it? What an idiotic and dangerous attitude you have Jon. It’s people like you that get the most people killed with your blind, PC way of looking at the world.
“Grow a spine and stop bowing down to the criminals in DC, cowards.”
Pull your head out of your ass and look at what’s going on in the REAL world, moron.
Whats next ? Facing the plane towards Mecca during prayer ?
Nothing like good old bigotry to really bring people together and have them forget that they’re being violated.
Seriously – while EVERYONE should have issued a fatwa against these things in the first place, now that Muslims have spoken out against them, the act of spewing Islamophobic hate seems to have replaced previous legitimate concerns regarding everyone’s rights and privacy.
2-words: Timothy McVeigh
“Nothing like good old bigotry to really bring people together and have them forget that they’re being violated.”
Again, can someone PLEASE tell me how this is violating someone? What the hell are you people talking about?
If Muslims don’t want them used, that’s fine they should have the option not to. However, they should expect extra security scrutiny when you refuse to got through the scanner. Whoever doesn’t want to go through should be searched and then re-searched.
“2-words: Timothy McVeigh”
2 more words: Death Penalty. Can you name a muslim terrorist that was put to death in this country for his actions? Thanks for playing.
This backa$$wards religion needs to take a back seat to the the safety of Americans and others wanting to go from A to B.
I suppose now they’ll have to perform honor killings to any woman passing thru these scanners.
Pennie, your idiocy never ceases to amaze me. please, please, please make the McVeigh connection for us.
let me guess, he blew up the Murtha bldg because we tried to insure the safety of those like you who want to get on a plane free of exploding underwear
No – not all Muslims are terrorists. But was the last time you saw a Christian strap a bomb to their body and blow up a bunch of innocent Muslims?
I hope you people defending these Muslims never lose a loved one to Muslim terrorists. I have – on 9/11 – and I have no sympathy for them. If Muslims don’t like be “profiled” then how about speaking out against what their brethren do in the name of Islam?
“If Muslims don’t like be “profiled” then how about speaking out against what their brethren do in the name of Islam?”
I bring this up often with Muslims Kris, the outrage whthin their own is laughable at best
you do not have a right to fly on a commercial plane.
if they do not want to be searched, do not take a plane.
Well, maybe if their coreligionists were not hijacking and/or blowing up planes, this type of technology would never have been developed or implemented. Don’t blame westerners for trying to protect themselves from the barbaric acts of your fellow Muslims. Yes, you can make a more general argument concerning privacy, but again, there could be no argument for designing this kind of technology had it not been for terrorists to begin with.
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