Moonbats vs. the National Anthem

Moonbats vs. the National Anthem

Moonbats vs. the National Anthem

Liberals love to claim that they love their country.

Does anyone actually believe that? For those of you that are holding out hope, I offer this video as evidence that no, Virginia, most liberals do not love their country.

As Van Helsing noted,

Maybe there’s a solution to the moonbattery that threatens to reduce our country to something sordid and shameful. Just as Dracula could be driven back to his coffin with holy symbols, maybe the anthem could be used to drive moonbats onto college campuses, where they might be contained.

Not a bad idea… although it’s sad that Americans can fail to see what is so wonderful and beautiful and great about their country. Not only to they fail to see it, but American apparently disgusts them so much that they boo our National Anthem. Classy. Real classy.

Related is MK Freeberg’s assessment of the liberal relationship with America. It was written back in March, but he linked it as a comment in one of my posts from yesterday. It’s a great read… and here’s a small taste for you:

If a man loved his wife the way democrats love America, how would he treat her?

Well, he wouldn’t act very manly at all, the way he’d keep bringing up things she did in the past, completely out of context. That’s a stereotype applied to small-minded, intemperate girlfriends and wives, isn’t it? Bringing up a bunch of things out of nowhere that you did ten years ago? So I guess he’d go to work, hang around the water cooler, babble away during the lunch hour — never getting far away from the subject of what a moral reprobate his wife is. You talk about sports, he’ll find a way to change the subject to a check his wife bounced a few years ago. You talk about religion, he’ll talk about his wife’s unpaid parking tickets. You talk about politics, he’ll talk about her old boyfriends — not humorously, but ominously, about the lack of character she must still have today, for ever interlocking with someone like that.

Always always always: Coming to unflattering conclusions about her, will be the point. The evidence will be cherry-picked to support this. He won’t even pretend to be analyzing it even-handedly. He’ll just be there to talk some smack.

Loving husband?

He’d surround himself with people who know her, who have axes to grind against her, who can’t stop putting her down. Right up until she caught him doing it…and then he would, I guess, yank a bunch of talking points out of the Obama masterpiece linked above. He’s my co-worker, sweetie, not my marriage counselor.

Loving husband?

He’d be at his most negative right after she had done something most positive. Scanning the landscape of domestic history, reviewing one pile of wreckage after another in the wake of liberal ideas implemented in this America that Barack Obama claims to love, one could only fairly conclude such a hapless wife would have to perform all the chores if they were to be performed at all. She’d fix the cars — her spouse would always notice they always ran better before she touched them, even if they could not have been used. The bed always looked better before she made it, even if it could not have been occupied. The food was always better before she cooked it, even if it would have been raw and inedible. Oh, he would never think of leaving all the work to her, though; he’d volunteer to help out time and time again. Thinking out this analogy with the events of healthcare in mind…lawsuits and torts…public education…the war in Iraq…the oil market…the only marriage I can envision is one where his help is the problem. She wishes he was substantially lazier than he really is. Things are done — the way he wants them to be done, for he insists on it — they turn to crap, which he notices and promptly blames her for it.

Loving husband?

Asked what exactly it is about his wife that he loves, he’d say not a single word about what she is or what abilities he has learned she has, but instead, about what he hopes she one day becomes. He’d talk about what she wants to be…never having discussed these points of improvement with her, just pulling them out of his own rear end, insofar as how she is to get better.

If you ask him directly WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT YOUR WIFE, he will change the subject to what is good about HIM! He has hope! He will change! He is Mister Hope-Change! He has a lot of hope that his wife will change! …but you better believe she has to, because she sure as hell isn’t right the way she is.

And that’s just the beginning. It gets WAY better.

Yet somehow, even though liberals do nothing but complain about America and do everything they can to change everything that she stands for and ruin what’s great about her, we’re still supposed to believe them when they say they love their country.


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  • Mat says:

    Yeah, I believe that leftists love this country about as much as I believe them when they say they support our troops. They have an awfully strange way of showing that support though…

    Personally, I would love to ship them for free to Saudi Arabia, Iran or North Korea for a year and see how horrible things really are. Of course, all of this pretty much proves how completely spoiled leftists really are.

  • What pisses me off the most about this kind of crap is the nazi salute bullshit.
    I wish I cold make a time machine.
    You want real totalitarianism? Real facism?

    Enjoy your stay at Dachau, jerk.

    To think that my grandfather came back from WW2 an emotionally and physically scarred man so these assholes can do that.
    God but that makes me angry.

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