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We are done with all of the scolds. To quote Shakespeare from “Romeo and Juliet“, “A pox on you for your loathesome chiding.” We let our “betters” rag on us about Covid for two years. We are NOT going to let them serve up their panic porn in a large size bucket for Monkeypox. It will still sell well to the masked coastal elites. They will eat it up and ask for seconds. The “Karens” will be grateful for the next subject “to shame and snitch” on us unwashed rubes.
Maybe the Karens will permanently self-isolate:
If monkey pox becomes a pandemic I’m never ever leaving my house
— Audrey (@audreythefinest) May 19, 2022
What in tarnation is Monkeypox? According to the CDC:
Monkeypox is a rare disease that is caused by infection with monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. The Orthopoxvirus genus also includes variola virus (which causes smallpox), vaccinia virus (used in the smallpox vaccine), and cowpox virus.
The smallpox vaccine offers some protection against Monkeypox and cowpox, it is thought. Unfortunately, we stopped routinely vaccinating citizens against small pox in 1972, when smallpox was believed to have been eradicated in the world. According to The Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy four countries have stockpiles of the virus, France, Russia, Iraq and North Korea. Yippee. I trust none of those four. Glad I got my pox vax and hope to heck it still has some efficacy.
How is Monkeypox spread? According to the untrustworthy World Health Organization:
–Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contaminated with the virus.
–Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
So, social distancing, hand washing, stay away from lesions. Got it.
Why is Monkeypox popping up now? Well, many news organizations are tap dancing around the subject, but gay sex may be a culprit, according to The Hindustan News Hub:
Monkeypox is now wreaking havoc in Europe and the UK. After several cases of monkeypox were reported in Madrid, Italy and Tenerife, investigations have now begun over the Gran Canarian Pride festival, which was attended by some 80,000 people from the UK and across Europe. Held from May 5 to May 15, the Pride Festival attracts people from all over Europe. The monkeypox virus has since been found in the people who took part in it.
Health services in the Canary Islands are now looking for links between monkeypox cases and the LGBT festival, DailyMail reported. A source told El Pais that among the 30 or more people who tested positive for monkeypox in Madrid, there are many who attended the festival. However, it is not yet known whether all were infected there or the number of cases from the festival is zero. Three people from Italy who attended this party were later found to be monkeypox positive.
This is not a gay disease. Anyone can get it. However…. if gay and bi-men have certain sexual practices…
I don’t know how to say this without offending anyone, but acknowledging that #monkeypox is spreading within gay networks – & some gay & bi men have a lot of sex – is not inherently homophobic. 1/
— Liz Highleyman (@LizHighleyman) May 21, 2022
Creepy Joe Biden gonna sell that panic porn.
“Everybody should be concerned”? Nah, my dude. Sell your panic porn and division elsewhere. “If it were to spread”? Look Creepy J., we don’t want to play anymore. A pox on all y’alls houses.
Featured Image: Brian Allard/ 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
And I’m sure that we will be told to take precaution for two weeks.
“… gay sex may be a culprit”
An old saying comes to mind: ‘“He that goeth to bedde wyth Dogges, aryseth with fleas.” [ James Sanford’s Garden of Pleasure, 1573.]
And when it’s monkeys… hoo boy!
An excellent overview by Robert Malone MD, MS.
I read an article from Dr Mallone. His take on this is just because monkey pox and small pox are in the same family of virus does not make them the same. They used cow pox to inoculate people for small pox because it was less deadly. Same with this one. Don’t let them spread the fear.
Interesting that just like AIDS, this whole thing started cause homosexuals in Africa have a thing for monkeys.. WTF… I means seriously, WTAF???
I think you can get it from eating a monkey that has it. I’m seriously hoping that was the cause. Otherwise I may throw up.
DOW suffers longest losing streak since 1932…
Monkey movie KING KONG premieres in March 1933…
Monkeypox breaks out globally in May 2022…
Can WWIII be far behind?
If monkey pox becomes a pandemic I’m never ever leaving my house
Can we also get you to leave Twitter?
when smallpox was believed to have been eradicated in the world
Because we, the mighty humans, overcame nature and obliterated the virii! Yay! Because there’s no possible way it could ever come back. Because we are the mighty generation that defeated nature!
Hubris is so much fun to watch….
the Pride Festival attracts homosexual people from all over Europe
#monkeypox is spreading within gay networks
Uh oh. Fauci is gonna be torn! To effectively quarantine it, you would actually just have to quarantine homosexuals – like with AIDS. Fauci didn’t like that and insisted quarantining wouldn’t help AT ALL.. But everyone knows he likes him some statist quarantining! So what is Science Incarnate going to do?! Quarantine or not quarantine?
I bet he goes with his totalitarian tendencies and quarantines EVERYONE!
And now for the conspiracy theorizing. *puts on double-layer tinfoil hat* What if the monkeypox was introduced to the homosexual community because “they” know those folks would spread it, and “they” could then claim the need to quarantine everything again? *tinfoil hat off*
(No, I don’t think they could actually plot that. They’re not smart enough.)
The non-compliance with the revived mandates will bring new meaning to the phrase “Not my monkeys, not my circus.”
Oh well, better cancel “pride month”.
[…] with public health sex issues, acknowledges he’s been aware of Monkeypox from its appearance months ago, who then tosses it all to the wind in order to get his gay kink on. It’s like the lessons of […]